FEBRUARY 7th 2008
In view of how little anyone,.many muslims included, understand about Sharia Law, its history, meaning and application, it was recklessly bold of the Archbishop of Canterbury to suggest that UK Law should take it into account and approve its use amongst consenting Mulsim adults and their families.

I would never knowingly agree with an editor of the Sun, but I would go as far as to say that the laws of the UK apply to all citizens. No ethnic minority society or family should be able to use Sharia Law to impose any outcome on any individual that diminishes their rights under UK law or EU law that the UK has signed up to. On the other hand no individual is bound to claim all the rights they have under UK law, even though they are bound by their obligations under UK law.

It is evident that certain social customs that are special to ethnic or racial or religious groups may very well be valuable, cohesive and socially admirable. They may include traditions applicable to marriage and to financial arrangements. But they may also be restrictive and limit the freedom that is available to every British citizen. In that case they can never be characterized as LAW. They can be conventions that are entered into voluntarily between persons of the same persuasion, providing they in no way remove irrevocably the rights that exist under UK law.

We come here to the whole business of the right of an individual to waive their common law rights. For example I belive an individual should be allowed to waive their right to claim against the provider of a service if by so doing they allow that service to be provided at a price they, the consumer, can afford. But any such procedure must take place and be witnessed every time it is required, for the specific case and instance, under conditions of UK and International law as it so exists.

That being the case, I do not see how anything called Sharia Law can feature in the legislation that applies in the United Kingdom.

FEBRUARY 8th 2008
Well, I am amazed. It seems that a great many people seem to understand exactly what I have said. I don't think the Archbish should resign - he is a very excellent and intelligent man. But he probably doesn't read the Sun or realise the awful truth on the other side of the picture.where there are loonies in Peckham who think Islam will take over the world by outbreeding and if necessary violent jihad to finish the job. Then there are those who say the Christain world should outbreed them back in revenge, forgetting that world population without birth control (a control including unfortunately in some cases abortion) is the biggest single reason we have exponential global warming problems ahead, never mind what we know of now.

I have to add that at the root of this particular problem is the failure of our adversarial system of justice to accommodate or encourage community systems of conflict resolution. It is also at the root of the current argument about bugging.

FEBRUARY 9th 2008
Another confusion in the political environment of 21st Century Britain is in the realm of discrimination and anti-discrimination law. We do not force doctors who are against abortion to perform abortions. The logic here is that anti-discrimination laws are laws that forbid certain actions, not laws that insist on certain actions. There are doctors who will perform legal abortions, so they can do the job, just as a surgeon rather than a surgically unqualified GP would perform an appendectomy. Is that not the reasoning? No, it is not.

We are forcing Catholic adoption agencies to send children into the care of practising homosexuals. We forbid our citizens to be discriminating on grounds of behavioural preference and practice and cultural tradition. Yet discrimination in behaviour, practice and cultural tradition is the very fabric of each civilisation. The coherence of these is what makes a society and a nation politically manageable and responsible for its very identity, character and in the final analysis survival, as its evolutional development must still be coherent, resolving the dissonances that arise as it matures, just as dissonance arises and is resolved in a coherent musical composition

So here is a matter that may be one of the reasons why Rowan Williams, a protestant theologian of ecumenical bent and great learning, is sympathetic towards those who wish to resist the overpowering insistence of those who can never accept the inadequacy of our current legal institutions to effectively manage the family and tribal tribulations that from time to time afflict our immigrant communities and their offspring.

We have to make up our minds.  Personally I am in favour of keeping these islands Christian and discriminating. Anyone is free to come and join us, if there is room for them as a tourist or a place for them in employment that is not taken by one already here, no matter what their country of origin. Their colour is of no concern to me whatsoever - they can be red, blue or green, black, white or yellow for all I care and can inter-marry how they will. But they cannot possibly have any crazy idiosyncrasies catered for in public in any way, no matter that they may be customary where they came from. They must wear any uniform uniform the organisation that employs them and the common law decrees and abide by the conventions that our laws decree as the minimum acceptable. Masked faces should be restricted to bank robbers so we can recognise them. Those who think 'God' requires them to wear anything are nuts and should be told they are. Ceremonial dress is fine for ceremonies. Formal dress is fine for formal settings and occasions.

But anti-discrimination law should never force people to carry out actions that they find abhorrent, particularly those that have been accepted as abhorrent by civilised societies for many years. Discrimination is the very means by which human life has risen from barbarity. The world is a big place, and we gather together in groups of the like-minded. Each group must agree on their common law and language. English is the language to be spoken here and learned  by anyone remaining here, including particularly anyone over 10 who was born here, and that includes the Welsh. English reading, writing and arithmetic is a requirement and minimum standards, which may be quite simple, must be enforced or officially, rationally excused for those incapable.

That is how it is going to be.                                      * * Now see the entry for Feb 20th below

FEBRUARY 12th 2008
The Archbishop addressed the General Synod today, clarifying his position. He defended his decision to raise the issues but apologised for not  speaking clearly enough to be understood by some commentators. He was clearly unaware that editors such as Rebekah Wade have as much understanding of what he was talking about as a water-beetle does of the Pacific Ocean and need to have these things fed to them very, very slowly. Once she understood, she would know that she had better not bother her readers with it, requiring as it does a few words of two or even more syllables and a knowledge and imagination of the world outside their own personal environment.

All in all, although I would have advised him not to have done it, he was probably quite right to have spoken up.

Williams in synod Sharia address

Dr Williams said law and religion needed to be debated

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams says he does not regret speaking about Sharia law, as it is right to air other religious communities' concerns.

He told the Church of England's general synod he felt some remarks had been taken out of context, but he accepted he may have created misunderstanding.

He has faced calls to apologise for his comments, in which he implied adopting aspects of Sharia law was unavoidable.

Earlier PM Gordon Brown praised Dr Williams's "great integrity".

I believe quite strongly that it is not inappropriate for a pastor of the Church of England to address issues about the perceived concerns of other religious communities
Dr Rowan Williams

Dr Williams told clergy and lay people at the synod - the Church's governing body - he believed "some of what has been heard is a very long way indeed from what was actually said".

"But I must of course take responsibility for any unclarity in either that text or in the radio interview and for any misleading choice of words that's helped to cause distress or misunderstanding among the public at large, and especially among my fellow Christians,'' he added.

He said: "I believe quite strongly that it is not inappropriate for a pastor of the Church of England to address issues about the perceived concerns of other religious communities, and to try and bring them into better public focus."

Liberties and consciences

Part of the "burden and the privilege of being the Church" in the UK meant, Dr Williams said, the clergy needed "some coherent voice on behalf of all the faith communities living here".

"If we can attempt to speak for the liberties and consciences of others in this country - as well as our own - we shall, I believe, be doing something we as a church are called to do in Christ's name: witnessing to his Lordship, not compromising it."


The relationship between law and religion was a subject on which "Christians and people of other faiths ought to be doing some reflecting together", he added.

Dr Williams sparked a major row after saying, in a BBC Radio 4 interview last week, the adoption of parts of Sharia law was "unavoidable" in Britain.

He has insisted he was not advocating a parallel set of laws, but has faced calls for his resignation.

Conservative MP Robert Key, a synod member, said Dr Williams's speech had been well received.

He said: "The archbishop had overwhelming support, not only for having opened up this very important discussion, which is part of the fabric of our national life - we simply cannot avoid it - but he also clearly had the majority of the synod right behind him.

"I suspect he will always have a tiny minority, and I think it is tiny, who are opposed to him, but it was quite clear synod wants to move on."

Community service

Dr Williams had been facing pressure from some Church of England traditionalists who wanted him to apologise for his original comments.

Two synod members also called for Dr Williams to stand down following his remarks.

His predecessor as the Church of England's leader, Lord Carey, said on Sunday the acceptance of some Muslim laws would be "disastrous" for Britain.

But, writing in the News of the World, Lord Carey said his successor should not be forced to quit.

Earlier the prime minister's spokesman said Mr Brown understood "the difficulties" the archbishop was facing and paid tribute to Dr Williams's "dedication to public and community service".

Mr Brown believed religious law should be subservient to UK law, he added.

* * FEBRUARY 20th 2008   Well good for you, Jacqui Smith. (see my remarks of Feb 9th above in RED) * *

Press Assoc. - Wednesday, February 20 07:11 pm

Foreigners living in Britain will be expected to go through a new expanded citizenship process or leave the country, under new plans outlined by ministers.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she wanted to end the situation where foreign nationals "languish in limbo" by living in the country but not adapting to the British way of life.

Even the ultra-wealthy - who can currently avoid some of the conditions imposed on less well-off immigrants - will be expected to apply for British nationality or permanent residence.

"I would want to see a larger proportion of those that are here moving to full British citizenship," said Ms Smith.

"You will not be able to languish in limbo. Once your period of temporary residence comes to an end you will need to apply for the next stage or leave."
