JANUARY 12th 2008
The situation in
Iraq has been covered for the year 2007 on this web site in a file
entitled THE WAR
ON TERROR. It is now time to revert to coverage on a
file in the name of IRAQ itself. There is also IRAQ
(Feb 6th - May 29th 2003)
recounting the immediate causes of the war as they
occurred and Iraq after the
War, Terrorism etc.
5th 3003 to
Jan 31st 2005).and BETWEEN IRAQ
AND A HARD PLACE - 2005....
It is appropriate that this file
should start by giving an opportunity
to the man responsible for the mishandling of the removal of Saddam
Hussein and his 'government' to open the batting on 2008.
There is not
doubt that even if it had been well handled there would have been
postwar opposition to any new regime, and many would say that democracy
has to evolve slowly so that its institutions can be populated by those
educated in its ways. It can now be claimed that tribal loyalties were
the only basis for discipline and stability when most of those with
independent means and education in democracy had fled abroad to escape
the violence and vengeance unleashed by those deprived of power, income
and occupation, let alone the Al Qa'ida element and the religious
extremists. The result was a form of civil war mixed with criminality
and mayhem; and this should
have been foreseen as inevitable in circumstances of such total
mismanagement and loss of control.
But we are where we are and many
American and coalition lives have been given in getting here, so let us
start 2008 with the state of Iraq as set out by George W. Bush who, it
has to be said, has not run away. Many of his critics have been even
more ignorant and misinformed than GWB himself so let us move on in
respect for those who have been victims and those who have served the
best intentioned aims in courageous and honourable ways. [Things may get worse, but they will
eventually get better as you will see if you cheat by skipping ahead to
August 2008]
Here is the REUTERS report, Saturday
January 12th 2008
By Tabassum Zakaria and Matt
Spetalnick Reuters
MANAMA (Reuters) - President George
W. Bush said on Saturday that America's new strategy had reversed
descent into mayhem and the United States was on track to complete the
withdrawal of 20,000 troops by mid-year.
talks at a base in the Kuwaiti desert with his military
commander in Iraq,
General David Petraeus, and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan
Crocker, Bush
said security gains in Iraq "are allowing some U.S. forces to return
added: "Any additional reduction will be based on the recommendation of
General Petraeus, and those recommendations will be based entirely on
the conditions on the ground in Iraq."
conceded that until last year, "our strategy simply wasn't
working", with Iraq riven by sectarian violence and al Qaeda
militants strengthening their grip in many areas. He said the new
strategy, involving a troop buildup and a focus on counter-insurgency
warfare, was turning things around.
later flew to Bahrain, a
close U.S. ally which hosts the U.S. Fifth Fleet, where he was greeted
by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa.
praised the king for
Bahrain's efforts on democratic reforms, citing the holding of
elections and that a woman was elected to the parliament. "Bahrain's
reforms are making your nation stronger, you're showing strong
leadership, you're showing the way forward to other nations," Bush said.
200 demonstrators gathered near the U.S. embassy in the capital Manama,
carrying anti-U.S. placards and some chanting slogans against the
ruling family. "State terrorism -
Made in USA," read one placard.
Kuwait, Bush said: "Iraq is now a different place from one year ago.
Much hard work remains, but levels of violence are significantly
reduced. Hope is returning to Baghdad, and hope is
returning to towns and villages throughout the country."
Qaeda remains dangerous, and it will continue to target the innocent
with violence. But we've dealt al Qaeda in Iraq heavy blows, and it now
faces a growing uprising of ordinary Iraqis who want to live peaceful
the Iraq war
nearing the five-year mark, Bush has refused to discuss any further
troop cuts for now, saying that will depend on his commanders'
judgments. The limited phased withdrawal of 20,000 troops was announced
by Bush in September.
he gave a sense of the long-term U.S.
commitment when he said in a television interview on Friday that the
United States would have a presence in Iraq that could "easily" last a
war remains deeply unpopular among Americans, keeping Bush's
approval ratings stuck around 30 percent and below.
a fall in violence has taken much of the steam out of efforts by
Democratic congressional leaders to try to link war funding to troop
withdrawal timetables, something Bush refuses to accept. Most Democrats
maintain, however, that dramatic changes are needed in Bush's Iraq
is due to report to the
U.S. Congress in March on whether more troop reductions are advisable.
Asked on Saturday whether more troops could be withdrawn this year,
Petraeus said it was possible but no decision had been made.
heavy U.S. pressure, Iraq's main Shi'ite, Sunni Arab and Kurdish
political blocs have failed to agree on major laws seen by Washington
as crucial to bridging the sectarian divide. Bush conceded the Iraqi
government had to do more.
they done enough? No," he said.
earlier made his first presidential visit to Israel
and the occupied West Bank, predicting a peace treaty within a year but
with no major breakthroughs. Bahrain was the second of five Arab states
Bush will visit to enlist their help in containing Iran's growing
regional clout.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said
talks would now turn to "the threats that we've seen in the Gulf, the
problem of extremism, whether it be extremism from al Qaeda, Sunni
extremism, or whether it be Iran and its tentacles, like Hezbollah and
the part of Hamas
that Iran supports".
states have battled al Qaeda militants in recent years, but they are
also concerned about the crises in Lebanon and Iraq, as well as the
standoff over Iran's nuclear
media said Kuwait's emir would tell Bush of his concerns that a U.S.
strike on nearby Iran would destabilise the Gulf, key to world oil
supplies. Bush is likely to hear a similar message from other Gulf Arab
leaders fearful of war.
said in Kuwait that Iran and Syria had to stop promoting
violence in Iraq.
needs to further reduce the flow of terrorists to the territory,
especially suicide bombers. Iran must stop supporting the militia
special groups that attack Iraqi and coalition forces and kidnap and
kill Iraqi officials," he said.
reporting by Mohammed Abbas in Manama, writing by Andrew
Marshall; editing by Elizabeth Piper)
* *
On the offensive side, last Thursday saw
the most massive strike on Al Qa'ida concentrations since 2006.
So, we shall see if on the constructive side progress can be
sustained. This (below) is a good move:
to reinstate Saddam party followers
Associated Press Writer
Iraq's parliament voted Saturday to
give jobs back to thousands of
former supporters of Saddam Hussein's Baath party who were fired after
the U.S. invasion in 2003.
The long-delayed bill is the first of
several major changes in Iraqi
law sought by the Bush administration with the goal of easing ethnic
and religious tensions. The 275-seat parliament is still deadlocked
over how to share the country's oil profits, constitutional amendments
demanded by minority Sunni Arabs, and a bill spelling out rules for
local elections.
The bill, approved Saturday by a
unanimous show of hands, seeks to
relax restrictions on the rights of members of the now-dissolved Baath
party to fill government posts.
Full report:
JANUARY 23rd 2008
U.S. experts see rare chance for stability in Iraq
The sharp drop in violence that has
accompanied the U.S. troop buildup in Iraq has given the
war-torn country a rare opportunity for stability, analysts
said on Wednesday.
The panel of independent experts on Iraq told a U.S. House
of Representatives subcommittee that the fragile successes of
recent months in Iraq could easily unwind if the United States
is unwilling to maintain a large troop presence in the Gulf
region for years to come.
"We may have an opportunity in Iraq that has not been
available since 2003 to stabilize the country and avert the
downside risks of failure," Stephen Biddle of the Council on
Foreign relations told the House Armed Services hearing.
They said the current lull in violence could be exploited
to hold provincial elections that would help ease friction
between elected officials and tribal sheikhs.
They also recommended expanding cease-fire agreements, like
the ones that have bought relative calm to previous hotspots
such as Anbar province, into northern provinces.
But the analysts said a stable Iraq was less likely to
resemble a model democracy than modern-day Bosnia or Kosovo,
both volatile countries with substantial international civilian
and military presences.
The hearing by the Armed Services Oversight and
Investigations subcommittee was held to examine U.S. options at
a time when the Bush administration is scheduled to withdraw
about 20,000 troops from Iraq by mid-summer.
The brigades were the extra forces sent a year ago to quell
sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shi'ites. There are
currently about 158,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.
Lawmakers were told that the 60 percent drop in violence
last year was due largely to Sunni tribal leaders' backing of
the U.S. military against al Qaeda in Iraq and radical Shi'ite
cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's call for loyal Shi'ite militiamen to
stand down.
Those developments, combined with an apparent reduction of
Iranian support for violent Shi'ite militias, have altered the
calculus of sectarian differences in the country and cast the
U.S. mission in a more positive light, they said.
"While the U.S. presence may have stoked insurgent violence
in Iraq between 2003 and 2006, the U.S. is, for now, a force
for stability," said Michael Eisenstadt of the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy.
Lawrence Wilkerson, one-time chief of staff to former
Secretary of State Colin Powell, praised the competence of U.S.
commander in Iraq Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. ambassador Ryan
Crocker in tackling Iraq's problems.
But he said the U.S. chances of building on recent success
would be severely limited by the time President George W.
Bush's successor takes office a year from now because of
personnel strains on the Army and the burden of $11 billion in
costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"To continue to put this money in at the rate we're putting
it out now, or even close to the rate we're putting it out now,
is going to be virtually impossible," Wilkerson said.
"That's another constraint on the time we have left
remaining to exploit these opportunities that we've got."
(Editing by Stuart Grudgings)
FEBRUARY 1st 2008
There is no doubt that normal life has been returning to Baghdad.
There is no doubt that the total breakdown after the overthrow of
Saddam was caused by:
1. The throwing on the scrapheap by Bush and his out-of-touch team of
the entire Iraqi military and most of the civil service, leaving them
with no option other than rebellion.
2. The total failure to guard the huge stores of conventional weapons
and explosives, while looking for WMD and Saddam
3. The total failure to stop looting and destruction
All of this was pointed out at the time, in time to rectify and change
the position. It was pointed out on this web site.
Now, Iraq has to live with the fall-out from this, as do the military
and workers in the western development agencies trying to help clear up
this appalling legacy. So the events recorded today, below, are not
totally unsurprising
Twin bombings kill 64 in Baghdad
The popular market is always crowded
At least 64 people have been killed by two bombs in Baghdad,
to two mentally disabled women and detonated remotely, says a security
"The al-Qaeda terrorists and criminals are proud of this method,"
Brig Qassem Ata al-Moussawi told the BBC.
The death toll in Friday morning's attacks at two animal markets
was the highest in months in Baghdad.
Correspondents say a fragile sense of normality had returned to the
capital following an influx of US troops.
Security has improved significantly since the US implemented its
troop "surge" in the second half of 2007.
A ceasefire announced in August by the Mehdi Army militia of Shia
cleric Moqtada Sadr, as well as the emergence of local Sunni militia
armed by the US military that took on al-Qaeda in Iraq, have also
contributed to the sense of security.
Confidence shattered
But that renewed confidence could be shattered by Friday's deadly
bombings, the worst to hit the Iraqi capital since three car bombs
killed 80 people last 1 August.
The operation was carried out
by two booby-trapped mentally disabled women
Brig Qassem Ata al-Moussawi
Iraqi security forces spokesman |
The blasts came shortly before the call to Friday prayers when many
Iraqis were out shopping or meeting friends.
The first device was detonated by a female suicide bomber at around
1020 local time (0720GMT) in the popular Ghazil animal market, killing
at least 46 people and injuring a further 80.
A popular spectacle for Baghdadis, the animal market
only opens on Fridays and regularly draws large crowds, despite having
been targeted by bombers twice in 2007.
Just 20 minutes after the first explosion, a second
bomb tore through another crowded market in the Jadida area of east
Baghdad, killing at least 18 people and injuring 30.
June 2006 - Four killed by two
bombs left in bags
Dec 2006 - Three killed in mortar
26 Jan 2007 - 15 killed by bomb
hidden in box of birds
23 Nov 2007 - 13 killed in attack
blamed on Iranian-backed Shia militants
Iraqi security forces spokesman Brig Moussawi told the BBC: "The
operation was carried out by two booby-trapped mentally disabled women.
[The bombs] were detonated remotely.
"Forensic and bomb squad experts as well as the people
and traders of al-Shorja area of the carpet market have confirmed that
the woman who was blown-up there today was often in the area and was
mentally disabled...
"In the New Baghdad area the shop owners and customers
of the pet market confirmed that the woman who was blown-up there was
mentally disabled as well."
Police and medical officials piled the dead and injured
into wheelbarrows, cars and the back of pick-up trucks to be
transported to five hospitals across the city.
An official at the capital's Kindi hospital said at least 30 bodies
had been received.
"We have a disaster here," he said. "There are too many bodies to
FEBRUARY 16th 2008
Patrick Coburn continues to tell us that Iraq is a disaster area. There
has been a drop in refugees returning from e.g. Jordan because of the
lack of security or any accommodation for them to return to, their
previous dwelling being destroyed or occupied now by others or in an
area where they are not welcome. This despite the statistics related
Attacks in Baghdad fall 80 percent: Iraq military
By Aws Qusay Reuterst - Sat Feb
16, 11:21 AM ET
Attacks by insurgents and rival
sectarian militias have fallen up to 80 percent in Baghdad and
concrete blast walls that divide the capital could soon be
removed, a senior Iraqi military official said on Saturday.
Lieutenant-General Abboud Qanbar said the success of a
year-long clampdown named "Operation Imposing Law" had reined
in the savage violence between majority Shi'ites and minority
Sunni Arabs dominant under Saddam Hussein.
"In a time when you could hear nothing but explosions,
gunfire and the screams of mothers and fathers and sons, and
see bodies that were burned and dismembered, the people of
Baghdad were awaiting Operation Imposing Law," Qanbar told
Qanbar pointed to the number of dead bodies turning up on
the capital's streets as an indicator of success.
In the six weeks to the end of 2006, an average of 43
bodies were found dumped in the city each day as fierce
sectarian fighting threatened to turn into full-scale civil
That figure fell to four a day in 2008, in the period up to
February 12, said Qanbar, who heads the Baghdad security
"Various enemy activities" had fallen by between 75 and 80
percent since the security plan was implemented, he said.
To demonstrate how life had improved, Prime Minister Nuri
al-Maliki toured parts of the city on Saturday, visiting Iraqi
forces and checkpoints.
"He wanted ... to send a message to the terrorists that
security in Baghdad is prevailing now," one official said.
Central to the success has been the erection of 12-foot
(3.5-meter) high concrete walls that snake across the city.
The walls were designed to stop car bombings blamed on al
Qaeda that turned markets and open areas into killing fields.
Qanbar said he hoped the walls could be taken down "in the
coming months" and predicted the improved situation in Baghdad
would translate to greater security elsewhere.
The U.S. military says attacks have fallen across Iraq by
60 percent since June on the back of security clampdowns and
the deployment of 30,000 extra American troops.
Vital to the fall in violence was also a decision by Sunni
Arab tribal leaders to turn against Sunni Islamist al Qaeda in
late 2006 and form neighborhood security units, which man
checkpoints and provide tips on militant hideouts.
However, their relationship with Iraqi authorities remains
tense. The Shi'ite-led government is wary of the units, called
"concerned local citizens" (CLCs) by the U.S. military and
whose ranks includes former Sunni Arab insurgents.
"Everyone should know, that the official security forces
represent the country. And it is the one side that has the
right to bear arms and impose security," Qanbar said.
In a sign of the tensions, one CLC group said it was
suspending its activities after three members were killed in an
incident near the town of Jurf al-Sukr, south of Baghdad.
The unit blamed American soldiers for Friday's deaths. The
U.S. military said attack helicopters had responded with
rockets after security forces came under small-arms fire. It
said the incident was under investigation but gave no further
The CLCs number some 80,000 mainly Sunni Arabs. Qanbar said
Baghdad was working on compensating victims of mistakes by the
Iraqi army and multi-national forces in Iraq.
While Iraqi and U.S. officials laud the security gains,
humanitarian groups say it is still too early to encourage
around 2 million refugees who fled Iraq to return home.
"The plight of Iraqi refugees will end with national
reconciliation," the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees,
Antonio Guterres, told reporters during a visit to Baghdad.
(Additional reporting by Michael Holden, Mohammed Abbas and
Ahmed Rasheed, Writing by Mohammed Abbas: Editing by Robert
FEBRUARY 23rd 2008
It took a long time for Moqtada to understand what was in Iraq's and
even his own interest but it seems that once he understood, he has
acted as a man of logic.
declares new Iraq ceasefire
Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr has ordered the renewal of the ceasefire
powerful militia has been observing for the past six months.
He announced in August that his Mehdi Army would not attack rival
armed groups or American forces in Iraq.
This was widely credited with reducing sectarian tensions and
contributing to the recent overall drop in violence.
BBC Baghdad correspondent Jim Muir says the government and US
military will clearly be relieved by the move.
US military officials have publicly recognised this contribution of
the ceasefire as helping to stabilise parts of Iraq.
This suspension will culminate in the
dissolution of armed groups. The
political process and the rule of law should be the basis for
arbitrating our differences, not militias
Barham Saleh
Deputy PM |
Other key developments that have helped reduce the violence have
the surge of US troops in and around Baghdad, and the emergence of
US-backed Sunni militia who have taken on al-Qaeda in Iraq in western
areas of the country.
Deputy Iraqi Prime Minister Barham Saleh praised the move.
"This suspension will culminate in the dissolution of armed groups.
political process and the rule of law should be the basis for
arbitrating our differences, not militias," Mr Saleh told the Reuters
news agency.
In a statement the US military said the truce extension would allow
security forces to focus on combating al-Qaeda.
With the approach of the Saturday deadline for the expiry of Moqtada
Sadr's original ceasefire tension and speculation had mounted over
whether it would be extended, our correspondent says.
The cleric, whose forces have frequently clashed with the Americans
the past, had sealed envelopes distributed to Friday preachers in Shia
mosques with instructions that they should be opened and read at Friday
In the statement read out from the pulpits Mr Sadr
ordered the Mehdi Army to continue suspending all military activities
for a further six months until August.
The aim, it said, was to give the movement an opportunity to
retrieve what it called its ideological position.
Expulsion threat
Since the original ceasefire was announced American and Iraqi forces
have kept up a drive against what they regard as rogue elements of the
Shia militia who did not abide by the truce.
Spokesmen for the Sadr movement said that any members who did not
obey the order would be expelled.
Also on Friday, a ban was imposed on horse-drawn carts and other
pulled by animals in Baghdad, after one was used in a bomb attack.
Three people were killed when explosives hidden in a cart were
detonated in the centre of the capital.
In other violence, at least four people were killed in a suicide
attack outside a mosque in the mainly Sunni city of Falluja, west of
MARCH 2nd 2008
Ahmadinejad visits Baghdad. The first Iranian head of state to visit
since 1980. Only possible since Saddam was removed.
Ahmadinejad takes swipe at Bush, hails Iraq ties
By Wisam MohammedSun Mar 2, 3:05
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
hailed a new chapter in ties with Iraq and took a jab at the
United States over its policies in the Middle East during a
landmark visit to Baghdad on Sunday.
Ahmadinejad is the first Iranian president to go to Iraq
since Saddam Hussein launched an eight-year war on Iran in
1980, in which 1 million people died. He is also the first
leader from the region to visit since the U.S.-led invasion in
His two-day trip to a country where its long-time enemy the
United States has more than 150,000 troops is as much about
symbolism as about cementing economic and cultural ties between
the neighbors, both run by Shi'ite majorities.
He rejected long-standing U.S. accusations, repeated by
President George W. Bush on Saturday, that Iran is arming
Shi'ite militias in Iraq who kill American soldiers.
"We tell Mr. Bush that accusing others will increase the
problems of America in the region and will not solve them,"
Ahmadinejad said in translated remarks at a news conference
with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
"The Americans have to understand the facts of the region.
Iraqi people do not like America."
Ahmadinejad met Maliki at the prime minister's office in
the Green Zone -- the U.S.-protected central Baghdad compound
that houses government ministries, parliament and the U.S.
embassy -- under the almost constant drone of U.S. military
U.S. officials in Baghdad have said they will play no role
in Ahmadinejad's visit and that the U.S. military will not be
involved in protecting him unless they are asked for help.
In Washington, U.S. State Department spokesman Rob
McInturff said: "The Iranians and the Iraqis share borders --
they are free to develop their own relationships."
Ahmadinejad said at an earlier news conference with Iraqi
President Jalal Talabani that his visit would open a new
chapter in relations with Iraq and help regional cooperation.
"A visit to Iraq without the dictator is a truly happy
one," he said, referring to Saddam, who was executed by the
Iraqi government in December 2006.
Ironically, his trip was only made possible by the U.S.-led
invasion. Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for U.S. forces to
leave Iraq, blaming them for sectarian violence that has killed
tens of thousands of Iraqis since 2003.
"A developed, powerful and united Iraq is to the advantage
of everyone," said Ahmadinejad, the first Iranian president to
visit since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Talabani said Iraq would seek to oust the Iranian rebel
Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK) group, a long-time Iranian demand that
was expected to be raised during Ahmadinejad's visit.
"The presence of those terrorists is forbidden by the
constitution and we are working to get rid of them," he said.
The U.S. military said in a statement, however, that it was
not aware of any armed or organized MEK group in Iraq. It said
its fighters had disarmed during the U.S.-led invasion and now
lived in a camp with "protected persons" status.
Many of Iraq's Shi'ite leaders were in exile in Iran during
Saddam's long rule and analysts say Ahmadinejad will use his
visit to show Washington that Tehran is an influential player
in Iraq that cannot be ignored.
The Iranian president has also sought to counter U.S.
efforts to isolate Tehran over its nuclear program by trying to
improve ties with Arab states in the region.
His visit comes a day before an expected U.N. Security
Council vote on a third round of sanctions against Iran over
its nuclear program, which Iran says is for peaceful purposes
but the United States says is for nuclear arms.
Pomp and ceremony greeted Ahmadinejad on his arrival, the
fanfare a stark contrast to Bush's rushed and secretive visits.
Ahmadinejad held hands with Talabani as they walked down a
red carpet as a military band played their countries' national
anthems. It was Iraq's first full state welcome for any leader
since the U.S.-led invasion.
Ahmadinejad's motorcade drove from Baghdad's airport to
Talabani's presidential palace. Visiting foreign dignitaries
normally fly by helicopter to avoid the dangerous airport road.
Scattered protests were held in Baghdad and towns with
sizeable Sunni Arab populations against Ahmadinejad's visit.
(Additional reporting by Dean Yates, Ahmed Rasheed, Aseel
Kami, Mariam Karouny, Paul Tait and Mohammed Abbas; Writing by
Ross Colvin; Editing by Alison Williams)
March 3rd 2008
Here's a further good assessment of the pluses and minuses of
Irania/Iraqi relations.
Ahmadinejad: US power crippling in Iraq
By ANNA JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
Iran's firebrand president wrapped up his landmark visit to Iraq
with a bit of added swagger Monday_ insisting that U.S. power is
crippling the region and portraying himself as the enduring partner of
Baghdad's Shiite-led government.
The parting words and posturing — like nearly every moment of
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's two-day trip — was powerful political theater
seeking to emphasize Iran's growing bonds with its former enemy. U.S.
officials had a front row seat.
Ahmadinejad, the first Iranian leader to visit Iraq since Iran's
1979 Islamic Revolution, had no direct dealings with American envoys or
the military. But Washington and its Sunni Arab allies were high on his
agenda — taking every opportunity to send messages about Shiite Iran's
rising influence in the region and its special ties to Iraq's Shiite
For Washington, however, this is not a new lesson.
The toppling of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-heavy regime opened the door
for Iran's inroads into the nation it battled during a horrific 1980-88
war that claimed an estimated 1 million lives. The United States —
despite having no diplomatic ties with Tehran and accusing Iran of
aiding Shiite militias — opened groundbreaking dialogue with Iranian
officials last year that acknowledged the Islamic Republic as a
critical player in Iraq.
The next step — from the vantage point of Washington and its Iraqi
allies — is seeing whether Ahmadinejad's visit translates into a
clearer Iranian role in helping stabilize Iraq at a time when violence
is dropping and insurgents are under increasing military pressure.
"Iraq and Iran having been deadly enemies, and (Ahmadinejad's visit)
shows they have turned a page," said Rand Corp. analyst and former U.S.
diplomat James Dobbins.
Iraq's Shiite power bases — both in top posts and on the streets —
will be the most closely watched barometers for any possible changes
following the visit.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, and President Jalal
Talabani, a Kurd, may now have a more direct pipeline to Tehran for
dialogue on Shiite trouble spots. Among the top worries: keeping a lid
on Shiite factions clashing for control in the oil-rich south and
breakaway Shiite groups that Washington accuses of receiving aid from
Iran already has appeared to cut its backing for radical Shiite
cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who directs the vast Mahdi Army militia.
Instead, Tehran has thrown its weight behind al-Sadr's rival,
Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, the country's most powerful Shiite political
insider and supporter of al-Maliki's government.
Ahmadinejad met with al-Hakim during his visit. In front of live TV
crews, Ahmadinejad also held hands and exchanged kisses with the
president, Talabani, who told Ahmadinejad to call him "Uncle Jalal."
While the U.S. military has said the flow of Iranian weapons into
Iraq has slowed, it has stepped up its accusations that Iran is backing
so-called "special groups" — the term for Shiite factions that have
broken away from al-Sadr and are responsible for a flurry of deadly
rocket attacks recently.
At the United Nations, meanwhile, the U.N. Security Council approved
a third round of trade sanctions against Iran for its refusal to
suspend uranium enrichment that Washington and others worry could be
part of a clandestine nuclear arms program. Iran claims it only seeks
energy-producing reactors.
Ahmadinejad repeatedly referred to Iraq as a "brotherly" neighbor,
but showed no gentler side toward Baghdad's American allies. He blamed
the United States for spreading terrorism in the region, demanded the
United States withdraw its forces and dismissed allegations that Tehran
is training Shiite militants who target U.S. troops.
"The presence of foreigners in the region has been to the detriment
of the nations of the region," Ahmadinejad said during a news
conference. "It is nothing but a humiliation to the regional nations."
He even took a swipe at President Bush for the tight security bubble
around his visits to the country.
Unlike Bush's trips to Iraq, Ahmadinejad announced his journey in
advance, drove in a motorcade down Baghdad's airport road_ once known
as "The Highway of Death" — spent the night and even traveled to a
Shiite holy shrine in northern Baghdad, albeit under the cover of night.
"The visits should be declared and open. And all those who come on
stealth visits, we should ask them why they visit this country in a
stealth manner?" Ahmadinejad said.
Despite the beefed-up Iraqi security in some parts of Baghdad
for Ahmadinejad's visit, at least 24 people were reportedly killed in
two suicide car bombings in different parts of the city, police and
hospital officials said. The U.S. military reported 11 people had died
in the attacks. The reason for the discrepancy was not immediately
U.S. officials have tried to brush aside the significance of
Ahmadinejad's visit, and the White House on Monday disputed
Ahmadinejad's statement that Iran was not aiding terrorists.
"Nice words for him to say in the middle of Baghdad, but the
facts on the ground prove otherwise," Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for
Bush's National Security Council, told reporters traveling with Bush
back to Washington.
Richard Russell, who lectures on national security at the
National Defense University, also raised suspicions about Iranian
Iran's agenda includes establishing "a clandestine
infrastructure in Iraq," and Tehran is "planning to have more influence
domestically inside Iraq as Americans downsize their presence," he
Some Iraqis, both Sunnis and Shiites, say it is precisely that
influence — and the power struggle between the Washington and Tehran —
that worries them.
About 1,000 protesters in a Sunni-dominated neighborhood in
Baghdad protested Ahmadinejad's visit Monday, a day after scattered
demonstrations greeted his arrival.
"We do not want our country to pay the price of the current
U.S.-Iraq disputes. The Iraqis' decisions should be independent and not
tied to any other country," said Sheik Salah al-Obeidi, a spokesman for
al-Sadr in the Shiite holy city of Najaf.
Associated Press writers Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad and Carley
Petesch in New York contributed to this report.
MARCH 10th 2008
The flow of blood may be ebbing, but the flood of money
into the Iraq
war is steadily rising, new analyses show. In 2008, its sixth year, the
war will cost approximately $12 billion a month, triple the "burn" rate
of its earliest years, Nobel Prize-winning economist
Joseph E. Stiglitz and
co-author Linda J. Bilmes report in a new book.
with all this being spent, how is it that Iraqis supporting the
international efforts to stabilise Iraq, and doing a good job, do not
apply even the simplest rules of security?
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A female suicide bomber killed a
prominent Sunni Arab tribal chief who headed a neighborhood
security unit and three others in the volatile Iraqi province
of Diyala on Monday,
police said.
11th 2008
The Reuters report below gives a very good basis for assessing the
question asked in its headline. Clearly for those who have lost
everything and are still alive, the exercise was certainly not worth
it. There again, in any operation that costs lives, and that includes
any nation at peace that loses lives every morning as people travel to
work, those who die are no longer there to give their opinion; but
every achievement in our world is gained at a cost in lives. In the end
we all give out lives in the cause of the rise and development of
humanity and civilisation. The only measure is what we as individuals
and as teams can contribute in the time we are alive and that may
include a peaceful or a violent death.
So, what are the points to focus on in the thoughtful report below? I
suggest the following:
"Between 90,000 and 1,000,000
Iraqi civilians killed." In other words, nobody knows, as
there was not an adequate national identity system in place due to the
buttoned down regime of Saddam, nor an adequate recording system under
ether Saddam or under the Coalition. "We don't do peace" was the
attitude of Rumsfeld's generals at the time of the invasion, who
promptly sacked all those who did.
Arabs rose up against their new rulers and car
bombs turned markets and mosques into killing fields." This is what Saddam threatened in advance
and what was predicted on this web site. It was made just a bit more
terrible by the failure of the US military to take control of the
massive weapons and explosive dumps whic were (obviously) known to and
controlled by Sunni elements now deprived of employment. It is
impossible to imagine any other outcome that what transpired.
"In February 2006, suspected al Qaeda militants blew up a
revered Shi'ite mosque in the town of Samarra".
Because, in spite of the above, a level of sanity finally looked as if
it might prevail in the corridors of US power, those dedicated to
rendering the whole operation a disaster and denying either UN or US
control played their trump card. It made the integration of Sunni and
Shia geographically impossible or so dangerous that no parent would
dare allowtheir child to travel to school. The blowing up of this
mosque was the most damaging event of all, more than the damage caused
by the US invasion or subsequent looting. It was designed to lead to
civil war. The event and the subsequent terror is, however, blamed on
the US and they must accept that.
"It was a big mistake by America.
We will remember it as
they remember Vietnam."
This is a very interesting remark. Although most Americans remember
Vietnam as a big mistake it was in fact a big success. Look at
the result. Vietnam has flourished. US-Vietnamese relations
are good at government and at personal levels. Note also Yousif Kamil
said "We will remember it...",
not "They" (Americans) will
remember it. Yet the cost paid by America in money and lives and
injuries makes many Americans consider it a failure.
I have no doubt that in the case of Iraq, the war and its aftermath is
already a financial and political disaster for America and for some
Iraqis a personal disaster in terms of finance, injury, personal loss
and suffering. But the truth is History, or if you will Nature, or for
others of you God, Karma or Fate uses the elements of humanity to work
out its way. So the answer to the question posed below is yes, unless you believe it would
be better if nobody had ever lived or ever would again - and everyone
is entitled to their opinion.
Iraqis still ask if U.S. invasion was worth it
Five years after U.S. and British
forces swept into Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein, many Iraqis
are asking if the violence and upheaval that turned their lives
upside down was worth it.
The human cost is staggering -- anywhere between 90,000 and
1 million Iraqi civilians killed, according to various
estimates; nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers dead; while 4 million
Iraqis are displaced.
On the bright side, Iraqis are rid of one of the 20th
century's most ruthless dictators. They held free elections and
have a new constitution.
For Iraqis, deciding if the invasion was worth the
sacrifice depends partly on their sect and ethnicity and where
they live.
Saddam, a Sunni Arab, persecuted the country's majority
Shi'ites and Kurds. Shi'ites now hold the reins of power while
once-dominant Sunni Arabs have become marginalized.
In Baghdad, epicenter of a sectarian war in 2006 and 2007
that nearly tore Iraq apart, people long for the safe streets
of Saddam's era. In the Shi'ite south, they no longer fear
Saddam's henchmen, but rival Shi'ite factions competing for
In the north, the economy of largely autonomous Kurdistan
is flourishing in a region that Kurds call "the other Iraq."
Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari, a Kurd, said Iraq was
moving in the right direction. Those who felt the invasion was
a mistake should remember Saddam's atrocities, he said.
Zebari said proof that a majority of Iraqis supported the
overthrow of Saddam was their participation in 2005 elections.
"The brutality of Saddam's regime deformed society in many
ways so we have to be patient," he told Reuters in an
"Compared to the experience of other nations I think we
have done very well. But yes, it has been very, very costly."
Um Khalid, a 40-year old Baghdad hairdresser, said violence
was so random that no one knew if they would be its next
"No, no, no. What happened was not worth it. Those who say
things are better are lying," she said.
Many Iraqis vividly recall the chaotic months after the
invasion on March 20, 2003, symbolized by the toppling of a big
statue of Saddam in central Baghdad.
Their euphoria at new freedoms and hopes the United States
would transform Iraq into another rich Gulf Arab state were
dashed as Sunni Arabs rose up against their new rulers and car
bombs turned markets and mosques into killing fields.
In February 2006, suspected al Qaeda militants blew up a
revered Shi'ite mosque in the town of Samarra, unleashing a
wave of sectarian violence that meant being a Shi'ite or a
Sunni in the wrong neighborhood could be a death sentence.
"Before 2003, we lived under a tough regime, no one can
deny that," said Abu Wasan, 55, a former army brigadier-general
and a senior member of Saddam's disbanded Baath party.
"But at least we never heard of bodies getting dumped on
garbage just because people had a Sunni or a Shi'ite name."
The worst of the sectarian carnage is over, at least for
now. A year ago, police would find up to 50 bodies in the
streets of Baghdad each day. That number has dropped to single
digits thanks to the deployment of additional U.S. troops and
ceasefires by many Shi'ite and Sunni Arabs militants. Also in
many Baghdad areas ethnic cleansing has already been completed.
The latest tolls from the widely cited human rights group
Iraq Body Count show up to 89,000 civilians have been killed
since 2003. Research conducted by one of Britain's leading
polling groups, however, puts the death toll at 1 million.
The U.S. military death toll stands at 3,975.
Other statistics make for grim reading.
The United Nations estimates 4 million Iraqis are
struggling to feed themselves while 40 percent of the country's
27 million people have no safe water. The Iraqi doctors'
syndicate says up to 70 percent of specialist doctors have fled
Iraq's national power grid, devastated by years of war and
sanctions, leaves millions in the dark. The country has the
world's third largest reserves of oil, but motorists sometimes
queue at petrol stations for hours.
"I have been in this queue since dawn waiting to fill my
car," said Abdullah Ahmed, 53, a taxi driver in the northern
city of Kirkuk, which sits atop huge reserves of oil.
"What democracy? What prosperity? When the statue fell, we
thought we would live like the Gulf, but that was just words."
People with such views are overlooking the joy of speaking
freely, said Ahmed Sebti, 39, owner of a kebab restaurant in
the southern Shi'ite city of Najaf.
In the past, making fun of Saddam could have deadly
consequences. The current president, Jalal Talabani, has a keen
sense of humor and loves satire.
"Before, civil servants couldn't eat kebabs. Now my income
depends on them. Living standards are better," said Sebti.
Some Iraqis fear the invasion has set into motion political
forces that could lead to the partition of Iraq into Shi'ite,
Sunni Arab and Kurdish regions -- a prospect that would
inevitably be bloody and may drag in neighboring countries.
But Iraq is no longer a threat to its neighbors.
It is also one of the few countries in the region to hold
free elections, something unheard of in neighboring Gulf Arab
countries. Provincial elections that could redraw Iraq's
political map are expected later this year.
Sheikh Fatwa al-Jerboa, a Sunni Arab tribal leader in the
northern city of Mosul, said there was plenty to be happy
"I feel grateful to the British and Americans for ousting
this dreadful dictator. Now we enjoy freedom of speech and the
freedom to choose our own leaders," he said.
Yousif Kamil, 25, in the northern city of Baiji, disagreed.
"It was a big mistake by America. We will remember it as
they remember Vietnam," he said.
(Additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed, Wisam Mohammed and
Aseel Kami in Baghdad, and reporters in Basra, Najaf, Ramadi,
Kirkuk, Baiji and Mosul; Editing by Samia Nakhoul)
MARCH 19th
Well, here is the view from George W Bush. I have to say I don't agree
with any of the comments above or below.
In my view the removal of Saddam was an appalling, painful necessity,
carried out by the only country and president who was capable. It was a
pity they didn't understand the terrible difficulties but if they had,
they might not have done it. The idea that they could have done it
better is a nice one, but I am afraid once they had put the truth
before the public of the US, they would not have enabled the operation.
So in one way, whatever we think of George Bush he is a greater man
than 90 percent of his critics, especially the facile media
commentators. He says this is a battle America must win. Unfortunately
he has made it harder than it might have been, but he is right. Note
that he says it is a battle America CAN and MUST win. He did not say
WILL win. That is why the man deserves some respect. The BBC once again
does a good report and a really destructive and damaging headline. Bush
has learned the lesson about 'hailing victory' and does not claim
victory in Iraq now. They should give him the credit for that at least.
"A major strategic victory in the War against Terror" also seems
the opposite of the truth to many, but you have to work out the
alternative version of history, with the coalition retiring from the
borders of Iraq, leaving Saddam in Power, before you can deny this
claim. Just because Al Qaida is now organising suicide attacks and
sabotage in Iraq does not mean the alternative scenario would be
better. Most people cannot compute alternative scenarios, so they
should be very careful before rubbishing George Bush, just as he should
have been more careful in assessing the alternative to Saddam, which is
many mini-Saddams. [CF "The
Sorcerer's Apprentice" - Fantasia model.]

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
Mr Bush welcomed
co-operation between US troops and Sunni Arabs
President Bush |
President George W Bush has delivered a speech to mark the fifth
anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq.
Speaking at the Pentagon, Mr Bush said "removing Saddam Hussein
from power was the right decision".
And he went on to say that the recent "surge" of US troops to Iraq
brought about "a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror".
The speech comes amid criticism in the US of the war, with some
critics pointing to its high cost.
In his speech, Mr Bush dismissed what he called "exaggerated
He said: "The costs are necessary when we consider the cost of a
strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq."
New allies
Mr Bush argued that fighting Islamic militants in Iraq helped to
prevent attacks on targets in the US.
"The terrorists who murder the innocent in the streets of Baghdad
to murder the innocent in the streets of American cities," he said.
"Defeating this enemy in Iraq will make it less likely we will face
this enemy here at home."
He also made the case that by working with Sunni Arabs from the
Awakening Councils to defeat al-Qaeda, the US was successfully driving
a wedge between militants and the Arab mainstream.
"In Iraq," he said, "we are witnessing the first
large-scale Arab uprising against Osama Bin Laden. And the significance
of this development cannot be overstated."
Meanwhile in Iraq, a female suicide bomber killed six
people at a bus station in Balad Ruz in Diyala province, according to
Iraqi police.
And near the northern city of Kirkuk, US troops shot
dead three Iraqi policemen by mistake, an incident officials described
as "a tragic accident, which was sincerely regretted".
MARCH 26th 2008
This is a serious step. The Iraqi government is showing its hand in a
move to take over the proper government in the South of Iraq. It is
going to be a tough moment, and it is hard to say how long it will take
to settle. The British forces are not involved other than in logistical
support, aerial reconnaissance and support. This moment had to come,
though the timing has been forced on the Iraqi government to a certain
extent by the criminality and rival militia violence. Rough though it
will be for the innocent inhabitants of the region it is probably
better sooner than later.
PM gives militants ultimatum
Militants are
entrenched in Basra's back streets
Basra unrest |
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has given Shia militants in the
southern city of Basra 72 hours to lay down their arms or face "severe
Mr Maliki issued the threat on the second day of a government
offensive, that has left at least 46 people dead.
The leader of the main militia, the Mehdi Army, says Mr Maliki must
leave Basra and start negotiations.
The clashes have spread elsewhere with rockets fired at Baghdad's
Green Zone, causing a number of injuries.
Many Iraqi towns are under curfew.
Unrest in Basra has been stoked by a variety of militias and
criminal gangs.
But the government's unspoken intent is to stop it falling under the
sway of the Mehdi Army, led by the radical young cleric Moqtada Sadr,
BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy says.
No chasing
As night fell, Basra was quieter, after a second day of intensive
fighting, concentrated on the districts of Gazaiza, Garma, Khmasamene,
Hayania and Maqal.
Third largest city, population 2.6 million
Located on the Shatt al-Arab waterway leading
to the Gulf - making it a centre for commerce and oil exports
Region around city has substantial oil
4,000 UK troops based at international airport
About 225 people are said to have been injured. A Basra city council
member said there were few civilian casualties as they were staying
inside their houses.
A large number of gunmen have been detained, say officials.
British forces, which patrolled Basra for nearly five years,
to a base outside the city in December and have not been involved in
the fighting.
Prime Minister Maliki has been overseeing the operation from Basra.
"We are not going to chase those who hand over their weapons within
72 hours," Mr Maliki said.
"If they do not surrender their arms, the law will follow its
the Basra Operational Command quoted him as saying.
Hours later, a senior aide to Moqtada Sadr, Hazim
al-Araji, told the BBC that the Sadrists would be willing to send a
delegation to meet Mr Maliki for talks if he left Basra.
But events might overtake any efforts at dialogue, says the BBC's
Crispin Thorold in Baghdad.
Black-shirted members of the Mehdi Army have reappeared on the
of Sadr City in Baghdad. They had been withdrawn when the movement
declared a ceasefire last August.
Across the Iraqi capital, the thud of rockets and
mortars has been heard - several fell short of their target, the Green
Zone - home to the diplomatic and government offices - killing at least
eight civilians.
Inside the heavily-fortified zone three Americans were seriously
In Sadr City, a vast Shia suburb in the capital, there were
clashes between Mehdi Army fighters and American and Iraqi soldiers.
Up to 20 people died in the violence and at least 115 people have
been injured, according to police.
Here and in other Shia areas of Iraq, many shops and offices are
shuttered, indicating Moqtada Sadr's call for a campaign of civil
disobedience is being followed.
More clashes also broke out in Kut, south-east of Baghdad, where at
least three people were reported dead on Wednesday.
Sadrists are convinced the operation is an attempt to weaken them
of provincial elections due in October, but Mr Maliki has embarked on a
risky strategy, says the BBC's Roger Hardy.
For one thing, it is far from clear that it will succeed, he says.
The Sadrist movement enjoys widespread support, especially among the
young and the poor, and is well entrenched in Basra and many other
predominantly Shia towns and cities in the south.
For another, if the ceasefire which the Sadrists have
largely followed were to collapse, that would seriously undermine
claims by the government - and by the Bush administration in Washington
- that Iraq was moving from civil war to political reconciliation, our
correspondent says.
We have had the removal of Saddam, the failure of the US or the UN to
take ownership of the decapitated and looted country, the formation of
the first post Saddam democratic constitution, the election of the
first democratically based government, the failure of that government
to bring security and peace, the change of tactics by the US to enforce
peace with a surge of US troops while bringing Sunni tribal leaders
into the plan and on-side. We have had the British troops accede to
requests from the Iraqi government and commanders to hand over control
of the South to the new Iraqi army and police while remaining on hand
at the air base to give support if required. Now we have the next
stage, the crucial stage of the history of the region. This is the
The Battle of Iraq will be total war at particular levels. We can
expect a level of sabotage of what little industry and facilities have
been established and brought to effective working condition. We can
expect suicied bombings, roadside bombings and full on battles as well
as murder and kidnapping. We are dealing here with a clash not just of
tribes, religious sects and historical imperatives but between people
who have even been neighbours but have different views on vengeance,
forgiveness, pride, humility, value, worthlessness, cruelty,
friendship, trust, mistrust. The roots of character have been formed by
centuries of unchanged perceptions or deformed by years oppression by
either persons or circumstances. In either case, the default mentality
is one of xenophobia. This situation has several historic precedents.
The people of Japan, following their leaders, were determined to
fight to the last man and woman to resist any international imposition
of a new regime. They would have done so.
There is no call for a nuclear option in this case of course, as Iraq
is not at war with the international community. Its modernisers have
called on that community in aid. Nevertheless this is now a real
internal war to decide if a democratically elected and accountable
government (not necessarily those who govern now but their successors,
elected as freely and fairly as can be done) will govern the country.

Fresh clashes grip southern Iraq
Heavy fighting has continued for a third day between Shia militias
and the Iraqi security forces in southern Iraq.
There are reports of extensive exchanges of fire between the Iraqi
and militiamen in Basra and in the town of Hilla, just south of
More than 70 people have died and hundreds have been
injured in days of violence sparked by an Iraqi crackdown on Shia
militias in Basra.
There have also been violent clashes in Kut and the capital,
On Wednesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki gave Shia militants
Basra 72 hours to lay down their arms or face "severe penalties".
The leader of the Mehdi Army, Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr, has spoken
of the possibility of negotiations to end the violence.
In Basra, police chief Adbul Jalil Khalaf said he survived an
assassination attempt overnight, in which three of his bodyguards were
Residents in the city have said that they are beginning to run out
of food and water.
One told the BBC that the Iraqi army broke into shops, took food
and water, then set fire to shops and cars on the street.
Third largest city, population 2.6 million
Located on the Shatt al-Arab waterway leading
to the Gulf - making it a centre for commerce and oil exports
Region around city has substantial oil
4,000 UK troops based at international airport
"I am trying to look out of the window now, but I can't - the
really heavy and smells really bad. Everything is burnt," he said.
An oil pipeline near Basra, which carries oil for export, was
damaged by a bomb.
A Southern Oil Company official told the Reuters news agency that
main pumping station of Zubair 1 was shut down and that exports would
be greatly affected.
"Firefighters are struggling to control the fire, which
is huge. A lot of crude has spilt onto the ground... We will not be
able to repair it unless security is provided for the crews," he said.
In other developments across the country:
Thousands of Sadr supporters gathered in Baghdad's Sadr City, a
Shia-dominated suburb, to demand Mr Maliki's resignation over the
military operation
Baghdad's fortified Green Zone was again hit by several rounds of
rockets, causing a fire, Iraqi and US embassy officials said
Iraqi police in Kut said dozens of people were killed in clashes on
Thursday between Iraqi and US forces, and Shia militiamen, the AFP news
agency reported
There have also been clashes through the night and the early
morning in the towns of Hilla and Diwaniya
Late on Wednesday, a US military air raid called in support of
Iraqi forces in Hilla caused a number of casualties
Power struggle
The number of gunfights in southern Iraq appears to be growing,
says the BBC's Crispin Thorold in Baghdad.
The fighting still seems to be mainly with members of the Mehdi
Army, our correspondent says.
The Medhi Army had held to a ceasefire for more than a
year, contributing to the general fall in violence across Iraq.
It is not clear what has prompted the government crackdown at this
time. The government says its campaign aims to re-impose law and order
in Basra.
However, Sadrists say the government is attempting to weaken the
militias before local elections scheduled for October.
At stake, analysts say, is control of Iraq's only port city and the
region's oil fields.
MARCH 28th 2008
Mr Maliki is clearly acting on good advice. The law must be enforced
but every opportunity must be given, once the iron fist has been
employed, to give a chance for all to keep the law. That means
providing employment and since that will take time it must start with
some funds up front when arms are handed in.
extends Shia arms deadline
Iraq's government has extended by 10 days a deadline for Shia
militiamen fighting troops in the southern city of Basra to hand over
their weapons.
More than 130 people have been killed and 350 injured since a
clampdown on militias began in Basra on Tuesday.
US-led forces joined the battle for the first time overnight,
bombing Shia positions, the UK military said.
Aid agencies say the upsurge in violence has made Iraq's already
poor humanitarian situation "critical".
Speaking in Geneva, the International Committee of the Red Cross,
Unicef and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) called on
all the warring parties to allow the passage of food and medical
Unicef said it was gravely concerned about the health
consequences for children, warning that some families had barely two
days of drinking water supplies left.
Moqtada Sadr's
supporters at Friday prayers in Sadr City Basra gunfight
The IOM said the fighting could add to the 2m Iraqis already
internally displaced.
Meanwhile, a statement from Prime Minister Nouri Maliki's office
"All those who have heavy and intermediate weapons are to deliver them
to security sites and they will be rewarded financially. This will
start from 28 March to 8 April."
BBC Arab affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi says the
extension indicates either the military solution is proving more
difficult than Mr Maliki thought or there are behind-the-scenes
negotiations for a peaceful resolution.
Defence Minister Abdel Qader Jassim said the security
forces had been caught off-guard by the scale of the militiamen's
"We were surprised by this resistance and have been
obliged to change our plans and our tactics," he was quoted as saying
by Reuters news agency.
'Defining moment'
The fighting between security forces and militiamen has spilled over
recent days to other Iraqi towns and cities, including Karbala, Hilla,
Kut, Diwaniya and Nasiriya.
President George W Bush called the battle "a defining moment in the
history of a free Iraq".
Third largest city, population 2.6 million
Located on the Shatt al-Arab waterway leading
to the Gulf
Region around city has substantial oil
4,000 UK troops based at international airport
"Any government that presumes to represent the majority of people
confront criminal elements or people who think they can live outside
the law and that's what's taking place in Basra," he told a White House
news conference.
Iraq's parliament called an emergency meeting to
discuss the crisis, which has brought a three-day curfew to Baghdad.
But just 54 MPs out of 275 managed to get inside the fortified Green
Zone to attend the session, because it was under fresh bombardment from
mortars and rockets.
One of the missiles hit Iraqi Vice-President Tareq Hashemi's
offices, killing at least one guard.
UK military spokesman in Basra Maj Tom Holloway said US warplanes
for the first time in the operation carried out bombing raids overnight
in the city, targeting "mortar teams" and "a concentration of militia
The Iraqi prime minister has vowed to continue the fight against
the militias for as long as necessary.
Mr Maliki has personally overseen the operation in Basra, which
involves some 30,000 troops and police fighting the Mehdi Army, led by
radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr.
With the militia remaining in control of some densely
populated areas, the prime minister has pulled out of this weekend's
Arab League summit in Syria to deal with the crisis.
MARCH 29th 2008
The offer of safe passage and funds for militia handing in their
has (not unexpectedly) been refused by the 'followers' of Muqtada al
Sadr. A 'spokesman' said they would cooperate only with a government
whose policy is to remove US (and presumably UK and all coalition?)
forces from Iraq. Meanwhile the US ad UK forces are getting more
involved in the Iraqi government's operations to clear out the
insurgents, criminals and uncooperative militias. However the situation
is not static, so some progress is being made even though at
unfortunate and unnecessary cost in lives, material and infrastructure,
not to mention the peace of mind of Iraq's benighted majority of
citizens who want nothing more than the chance to live in reasonable
Meanwhile in the UK some politicians and
retired Field Marshals and Air Marshals are in favour of an Iraq Inquiry. Lord Bramall says:
"There are two issues which people want to know about: why was there no
planning for the aftermath of the war and how did we get involved in
the first place". An inquiry is needed but not to answer these these
questions as far as the UK is concerned.
The UK made no plans for the aftermath of war as our government and
Prime Minister's position was that the invasion was conditional on
Saddam's refusal to submit to UN Resolutions. We did not base our
policy on unconditional regime change. To have spent 6 months preparing
for the occupation of Iraq was not possible when the UK public did not
support regime change, only the UN resolutions.
The United States on the other hand should of course have prepared for
aftermath, although there again if Saddam had been faced by a united UN
he would have had to really show he had no WMD and that would have
altered the method of enforcement of UN resolutions and the way his
absolute and unaccountable power was progressively restrained. That in
no way mitigates the really stupid and incompetent way the US went
about the postwar management, as they were fully entitled and indeed
obliged to have a full plan to follow an invasion and occupation until
the security forces they removed had been replaced.
As for Bramall's question: "How did we
get involved in the first
place?", the progress was tracked quite clearly on this web site, with
all the pitfalls and inevitable horror predicted. There was no way this
was going to be avoided unless Saddam gave in or was removed. What bit
does Lord Bramall not understand? The pages are all here:
There is no need for an inquiry on the points Lord Bramall has
mentioned as far as the UK is concerned. There is however a need for an
inquiry to deal with the points I have raised here and in all the pages
the links above connect to. In the US there is a serious need for an
inquiry, as the neo-cons are saying the only mistake they made was in
not getting out as soon as they had removed Saddam. That is not a
tenable position. They took temporary ownership of Iraq and were
obliged to do it properly. Richard Perl still does not admit this.
JULY 30th 2009: There will now after all be an enquiry that will
go over the whole business of the UK involvement.
It being now one year and five
months after I wrote the above, and many people (including still Lord
Bramall?) still not understanding "How we got involved in the first
place" and in view of the fact that our military operations in Iraq
apart from training and backup if asked are now over, I am all for it.
In a sentence, our involvement was inevitable from the terms of
Saddam's surrender after the first gulf war and the failure of
sanctions and our aerial defence of Kurds and Shia regions to get him
to comply with those terms. We did not go beyond the UN approved
operation to remove Saddam from Kuwait provided he complied with the
terms he signed to and the UN resolutions linked to that. But his
claims to have no WMD conflicted with the intelligence he spread
internally that indeed he did. The idea that Hans Blix could have found
them if he had, or known if he did or did not, is just laughable. The
idea that leaving him and his sons in power was the way to a better
future for the region and the world can only be held by those who do
not think things through very far.
NOVEMBER 24th 2009
war inquiry hearings begin
The Iraq war inquiry's public hearings have begun in London
with top
civil servants and a former spy chief giving evidence on the conflict's
The investigation,
looking at the whole period from 2001 to 2009, is expected to last
months, with a report not out until after the next general election.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair will be among the future
Tuesday's session looks at UK foreign policy towards Iraq in the
lead-up to the war, which began in 2003.
'Open mind'
The long-awaited inquiry began with a statement from its chairman,
Sir John Chilcot.
MARCH 30th 2008
Now Muqtada himself, the wiley old thug, has thought the better of it
as he does from time to time. Hurting badly he has affered to surrender
providing the very unfair and uncalled for surprise attacks on
his followers cease. I
paraphrased his pathetic complaints there, I think he called the
attacks illegal. It is the
usual ploy from such characters who will use any tactic they can to
their advantage. I would expect the Iraqi government to hang very
tough indeed. This business is not over, but neither need it be
prolonged if it can be shortened. The BBC reports that Muqrada has
retained his credibility and standing with his followers. Well, bully
for him. If it helps to get some peace by having him and them think
that, why argue. The point is he has to keep his gangs off the streets
and hand in their weapons.
APRIL 5th 2008
Analysis: Iraqi PM wins rare support
By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's faltering crackdown on Shiite
militants has won the backing of Sunni Arab and Kurdish parties that
fear both the powerful sectarian militias and the effects of failure on
Iraq's fragile government.
The emergence of a common cause could help bridge Iraq's political
The head of the Kurdish self-ruled region, Massoud Barzani, has
offered Kurdish troops to help fight anti-American cleric Muqtada
al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia.
More significantly, Sunni Arab Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi
signed off on a statement by President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, and the
Shiite vice president, Adil Abdul-Mahdi, expressing support for the
crackdown in the oil-rich southern city of Basra.
Al-Hashemi is one of al-Maliki's most bitter critics and the two
have been locked in an acrimonious public quarrel for a year.
Al-Hashemi has accused the prime minister of sectarian favoritism and
al-Maliki has complained that the Sunni vice president is blocking key
On Thursday, however, al-Maliki paid al-Hashemi a rare visit. A
statement by al-Hashemi's office said the vice president told al-Maliki
that "we can bite the bullet and put aside our political differences."
"The main aim at this critical juncture is to ensure that our
political choices are made in Iraq's interest," al-Hashemi said.
Shiite militias were responsible for the deaths of thousands of
Sunni Arabs in the sectarian bloodletting of 2006 and 2007. The Mahdi
Army is blamed for much of the killing.
A top leadership council made up of Talabani, al-Maliki and leaders
of major political blocs called Saturday on Iraqi parties to disband
their militias or risk being barred from contesting elections and
participating in political life.
The council also affirmed its support for al-Maliki's campaign
against militias and "outlaws."
"I think the government is now enjoying the support of most
political groups because it has adopted a correct approach to the
militia problem," said Hussein al-Falluji, a lawmaker from parliament's
largest Sunni Arab bloc, the three-party Iraqi Accordance Front.
Al-Hashemi heads one of the three, the Iraqi Islamic Party.
The Accordance Front pulled out of al-Maliki's Cabinet in August to
protest his policies. The newfound support over militias could help
al-Maliki persuade the five Sunni ministers who quit their posts to
If he succeeds, that would constitute a big step toward national
reconciliation, something the U.S. has long demanded.
Still, the Sunnis are looking for concessions from al-Maliki, whom
they accuse of monopolizing power.
"The mission ahead is clear," al-Hashemi's office said in an April 2
statement. "There must be a national program that obliges everyone to
reconsider, show flexibility, accept the others and ... work in the
spirit of one team."
Whether that happens depends largely on how the government deals
with the issue of Shiite militias.
The Basra crackdown, ostensibly waged against "outlaws" and
"criminal gangs," bogged down in the face of fierce resistance and
discontent in the ranks of government forces. Major combat eased after
al-Sadr asked his militia to stop fighting last Sunday.
But al-Maliki continued his tough rhetoric, threatening to take his
crackdown to the Mahdi Army's strongholds in Baghdad. Al-Sadr hinted at
retaliation, and the prime minister backed down, freezing raids and
arrests targeting the young cleric's supporters.
Barzani, the Kurdish leader, has been at sharp odds with
al-Maliki's government over what he sees as its lackluster reaction to
Turkish military moves against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq. The
Kurds are also angry over the national government's opposition to
Kurdish deals with foreign oil companies.
But the Kurds, for years Washington's most reliable allies in
Iraq, also see the Sadrists' anti-U.S. fervor as a threat to the
country's political process and its stability.
Al-Sadr is openly opposed to a federal system, arguing that
carving up the country into self-rule regions similar to that in
Kurdistan would lead to Iraq's breakup. Another source of tension with
the Kurds is the Sadrists' vehement opposition to Kurdish claims to the
oil-rich city of Kirkuk, which they want to annex to their region over
the opposition of its Arab and Turkomen residents.
"I think the events in Basra will help bridge the gap between
the central government and Kurdistan authorities," said Fouad Massoum,
a senior Kurdish lawmaker.
Al-Maliki has sought to cast himself as a national leader who
is above the country's sectarian divide, saying that he was going after
"outlaws" and "criminal gangs" regardless of their sect, ethnicity or
party links.
But other motives may have played a role in the crackdown.
Provincial elections are scheduled to be held before Oct. 1 and
Shiite parties are gearing up for a tough contest in the Shiite
heartland of southern Iraq, where oil-rich Basra and the wealthy
religious centers of Najaf and Karbala are prizes.
A successful crackdown in Basra would have boosted the election
chances of al-Maliki's Dawa party and his Shiite allies in the Supreme
Islamic Iraqi Council, whose Badr Brigade militia is the Mahdi Army's
sworn enemy.
The Supreme Council hopes to win the fall vote so it can form a
self-ruled region similar to the Kurdish one in the north — something
the Sadrists oppose. Key council figures also want the crackdown to
continue — even at the risk of a new round of fighting.
"He must impose the law on everyone, and he (al-Maliki) told us
this is his intention," said Jalal Eddin al-Sagheer, a hardline cleric
associated with the Supreme Council, a close ally of Iraq's Kurds. "We
reject any deals or negotiations."
Hamza Hendawi has covered Iraq for the AP on numerous
assignments since January 2003. AP reporters Sameer N. Yacoub and
Qassim Abdul-Zahra contributed to this report.
APRIL 15th 2008
A Terrible day in Iraq
dead as Iraq cities bombed
More than 70 people have been killed in blasts at three cities
in Iraq, in one of the deadliest days there for weeks.
At least 53 died and another 90 were injured when explosives packed
a bus detonated outside a restaurant near a court in Baquba, north of
the capital.
And 13 more were killed in a suicide bombing at a kebab
restaurant where policemen were eating in Ramadi, which had seen a
sharp decline in violence.
Three people were also killed in Mosul in the north, and another in
The BBC's Crispin Thorold in Baghdad says suspicion for the attacks
likely to fall on Sunni Islamist groups inspired by al-Qaeda.
Medics struggle
Police said they expected the death toll in Baquba to rise as there
were still charred bodies inside cars at the scene.
I saw cars on
fire, burned bodies and damaged shops with shattered glass everywhere
Abu Ali, witness
The bomb there exploded just before noon in a crowded area.
Most of the dead were women and children and many of the bodies are
said to be too badly burned to be identified.
Witness Abu Ali said: "I saw cars on fire, burned bodies and
damaged shops with shattered glass everywhere."
There were so many wounded that ambulances struggled to get them
all to hospital.
Baquba, the capital of Diyala province, has been an insurgent
stronghold, where militants linked to al-Qaeda are said to have
regrouped after being driven away from Baghdad.
The kebab shop attack in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar
province, was carried out by a suicide attacker, police said. There
were unconfirmed reports that a second attacker was arrested before he
could detonate his bomb.
Spate of attacks
Anbar was once the heart of Iraq's insurgency.
In contrast to Diyala, the region has seen a sharp decline in
as Sunni tribal leaders have sided with American and Iraqi government
forces against al-Qaeda.
The attack in Baquba was one of the most deadly for months in Iraq,
where the US surge strategy has succeeded in reducing the number of
However, there have been several attacks already this
week. At least 17 people were killed in two bomb attacks near Mosul on
Monday, including one which killed 12 members of the Kurdish Peshmerga
security force, now part of the Iraqi army, near the Syrian border.
The attacks come as US and Iraqi forces continue their offensive
against Shia militias in Baghdad and further south.
The US military said it had killed six militants earlier on Tuesday
an engagement with gunmen near Baghdad's main Shia militia stronghold
of Sadr City.
APRIL 21st 2008 Here is a significant extract from the
International Herald Tribune
On surprise Iraq visit, Rice hails crackdown on
Shiite militias
International Herald Tribune,
Reuters, The Associated Press
Published: April 20, 2008
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice backed Iraq's crackdown on militias
during a visit Sunday to Baghdad, where the worst fighting in weeks
erupted after the anti-American Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr
threatened all-out war.
Rockets blasted the fortified Green Zone compound where Rice met
Iraqi officials and praised their month-old campaign against Sadr's
She had harsh words for the reclusive cleric, who on the eve of
Rice's visit vowed "open war" if the crackdown continued. Sadr has not
appeared in public in Iraq in nearly a year.
"He is still living in Iran. I guess it's all-out war for anybody
but him," Rice said. "His followers can go to their death and he will
still be in Iran."
A military spokesman said U.S. forces had killed 20 fighters
overnight in a series of gun battles and helicopter missile strikes in
Sadr City, the east Baghdad slum that is a stronghold of Sadr's militia.
"I would say it's been the hottest night in a couple of weeks," said
the spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Steven Stover.
U.S. soldiers killed 12 militants Sunday in a series of engagements
in Shiite areas of Baghdad, the military said.
Arriving on an unannounced visit, Rice met Prime Minister Nuri Kamal
al-Maliki and said she wanted to support what she called a new
political "center" in Iraq that had backed Maliki's anti-militia
She praised the Iraqi government's decision to take on Shiite
militias in Basra and in Baghdad and said that Iraq had made
"remarkable progress" toward achieving political unity.
Rice, who stopped in the Iraqi capital on her way to a meeting in
Kuwait of countries that border Iraq, said that Maliki's government
"has made a choice to pursue militias and is willing to bear the
consequences." She quoted President Jalal Talabani as saying, "This is
a political spring for Iraq."
Rice had lunch with Maliki, Talabani and other leaders, then spoke
briefly at the U.S. Embassy and dedicated a plaque there to commemorate
two embassy employees killed in rocket attacks on the fortified Green
Iraqi leaders, Rice said at a news conference at the embassy, asked
her to carry the message to the upcoming meeting that "Iraq is starting
to find its footing internally, and it needs its neighbors to help it
find its footing in the world."
She played down recent violence in Baghdad and other parts of the
country, saying that it was in part a byproduct of Maliki's "very good
decision" to try to wrest Basra, in southern Iraq, from the control of
"criminals and militias."
Asked how she interpreted the statement Saturday by Sadr, whose
Mahdi army militia has been battling the government troops, that he
would declare "war until liberation" if American and Iraqi forces
continued to battle his militia forces, Rice said she did not know
"whether to take him seriously or not." But she said that American and
Iraqi forces were not trying to block the Sadrists from the political
"I didn't hear anybody say" that the Sadrists "shouldn't try again
to get the votes of the Iraqi people, as long as they are not armed,"
Rice said.
Iraq's national security council issued a statement this month
saying that all political parties must disband their militias if they
wished to participate in provincial elections scheduled for October.
Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who joined Rice at the news conference,
drew a distinction between the actions of Sadr's supporters and those
of the Badr group, the armed wing of the Islamic Supreme Council of
Iraq, one of the largest Shiite political blocs.
The Badrists, he said, "made a choice a while back" that they would
"step away" from militia activity and "step into" the political process.
"That's the choice now in front of the Sadr movement," Crocker said.
A rebellion by the Mahdi army militia - whose thousands of
black-masked fighters control the streets in many Shiite areas - could
abruptly end a period of lower violence at a time when some U.S. forces
are starting to leave Iraq.
Maliki's crackdown has led over the past month to Iraq's worst
fighting in nearly a year, spreading through the south and Shiite parts
of Baghdad. Although fighting in the south has died down, the Baghdad
clashes have continued unabated.
The crackdown has been backed by all parties across Iraq's sectarian
and ethnic divide except the Sadrist movement.
Referring to that support for Maliki, Rice earlier told reporters
there was a "coalescing of a center in Iraqi politics" that was working
together better than at any time.
APRIL 30th 2008
At least 925 people killed in Iraq's Sadr City clashes
At least 925 people have been killed in clashes between militiamen and
security forces in Baghdad's Sadr City that began last month, a senior
Iraqi official told reporters on Wednesday.
Another 2,605 people have been wounded in the firefights that began on
March 25 and are still continuing, said Tehseen Sheikhly, one of the
spokesmen for the Baghdad security plan.
MAY 20th 2008
The Iraqi Government moves further to take control. The question
remains: how is a stable peace to be reached that either gives civilian
employment to its opponents or recruits them to be part of the
government's own army, police or associated services? Forgiveness and
reconcilliation is not part of the traditions of these people.
Iraqi army seizes Sadr's Baghdad bastion
By Aseel Kami and Adrian Croft
Reuters, Tue May 20, 11:08 AM ET
Some 10,000 Iraqi police and soldiers,
backed by tanks, pushed deep into Shi'ite cleric Moqtada
al-Sadr's Baghdad bastion on Tuesday, stamping the government's
authority on an area until now outside its control.
The army said they met no resistance as they moved into
Sadr City in the early hours, securing three quarters of the
sprawling slum where hundreds have been killed in weeks of
fighting between U.S. and Iraqi forces and Shi'ite militants
loyal to Sadr.
A truce 10 days ago between Shi'ite factions largely ended
the fighting in one of Baghdad's poorest districts and paved
the way for Tuesday's operation.
The truce agreement called on gunmen loyal to Sadr to lay
down their arms and on the government to restore control over
Sadr City.
Thousands of Iraqi soldiers and police and columns of
military vehicles moved into the suburb in the early hours,
past burned-out wrecks of buildings and along rubble-strewn
"We are taking control of three quarters of (Sadr) city.
What is left is the final quarter," said a spokesman for Iraqi
security forces in Baghdad.
He said around 10,000 police and soldiers were involved.
Fire-blackened and bullet-riddled buildings in the area
gave testament to the recent fighting and U.S. air and tank
strikes in Sadr City, home to 2 million people.
Tanks and armored personnel carriers stood on corners,
flying Iraqi flags, while army vehicles patrolled streets.
Black-robed women walked nearby and children played.
Sadr City is the main stronghold of Sadr's Mehdi Army, a
militia estimated to number tens of thousands that the U.S.
military once called the greatest threat to peace in Iraq.
The operation, on the second anniversary of Prime Minister
Nuri al-Maliki's swearing-in, was the first time since the 2003
U.S.-led invasion that the Iraqi army had pushed so deeply into
the area. It previously controlled only the perimeter.
Maliki's government is pushing to extend its control over
areas that were under the sway of Shi'ite militias or Sunni
Arab insurgents.
The security forces spokesman said Tuesday's operation was
coordinated with Sadr's movement to avoid bloodshed and
soldiers had cleared more than 100 roadside bombs before going
The army intended to set up permanent checkpoints, search
for wanted people, disarm insurgents and provide basic services
to residents.
"I saw more than 40 Iraqi Humvees (army vehicles) in the
major street in my district," said Hamza Hashim, a 53-year-old
Sadr City resident.
Iraqi soldiers took over a disused police station while
others moved into high buildings and deployed snipers, he said.
Shops and schools in the area were closed, residents said.
A U.S. military spokesman said no American troops were
involved and the operation was Iraqi-planned and executed.
A spokesman for Sadr said the army operation had generally
been welcomed, despite some "provocations" such as restrictions
imposed on vehicle traffic.
One Mehdi Army leader, Abu Ammar, complained about some of
the army's actions. "The snipers are above buildings watching.
They entered a mosque with their shoes. This is a provocative
act. They broke the door and entered. We told them we could
open the door for you, but they broke it," he said.
The Mehdi Army staged two uprisings against U.S. forces in
2004. A government offensive against it in the southern oil
port of Basra in March touched off a wave of retaliatory
attacks in Baghdad and other cities.
Peter Harling, a Damascus-based analyst at the
International Crisis Group thinktank, doubted Tuesday's
operation would succeed in removing the Mehdi Army from Sadr
"They'll lie low but they could retake control of the city
any time," he told Reuters. "The Sadrists feel weakened, feel
threatened and this increases the potential for violence."
Sadr was acquiescing because he did not want an out-and-out
confrontation, he said. "The cost to him would be huge."
Separately, Iraq said U.S. President George W. Bush had
apologized to Maliki and promised prosecution of a U.S. soldier
accused of using a copy of the Koran for target practice.
JUNE 21st 2008
Now they are getting down to the real questions. An excellent bit of
reporting from AP
Battle shapes up over future of US role in Iraq
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer Sat Jun 21, 3:25 PM ET
The decisive battle of the Iraq war is shaping up — not in the
streets of Baghdad but in the halls of government where the future of
America's role across the region is on the line.
American and Iraqi officials have expressed new resolve to hammer
out far-reaching deals that would allow U.S. forces to remain on bases
across Iraq once the U.N. mandate expires at year's end.
The stakes in the talks are enormous.
The outcome will shape not just Iraq for years to come — but, more
important, America's strategic position all across the oil-rich Persian
Gulf at a time when Iran's influence is growing. The U.S. maintains
substantial air and naval forces elsewhere in the Gulf but few ground
troops except in Iraq.
A pact also would assure Arab allies that Iraq would not fall under
domination by Iran, which is pressuring the Iraqis to refuse any deal
that keeps U.S. soldiers here.
But critics in the United States fear it will tie the hands of the
next president when millions of Americans are anxious to bring troops
home. Many Iraqis, in turn, worry the deal will allow American
domination of their country for decades.
With so much in the balance, the Iraqi government said Wednesday
that both Washington and Baghdad recognize the need to finish the talks
by July's end "to avoid any legal vacuum that may arise."
That came only days after it seemed the deal was dead. But Foreign
Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the prospects for an accord had brightened
because of new U.S. flexibility after meetings in Washington.
The White House said President Bush and Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki discussed the talks Thursday via secured video teleconference
and affirmed their commitment to completing the deal.
Nevertheless, the two sides remain far apart on core issues,
including the number of bases where the United States will have a
presence, and U.S. demands for immunity from Iraqi law for American
soldiers and contractors.
Other obstacles include U.S. authority to detain suspects, fight
battles without Iraqi permission and control of the country's airspace.
Iraq's parliament must sign off on the deal by year's end — and
approval is by no means certain.
Opposition to the initial U.S. demands brought together rival Sunni,
Shiite and Kurdish leaders who all complain the deal would leave real
power in American hands.
The oil minister, who is close to the country's powerful Shiite
clerical leadership, told the British newspaper The Guardian this week
that Iraq will demand the right to veto any U.S. military operation.
But American commanders believe they need such sweeping powers to
protect U.S. soldiers in a combat zone.
Publicly, U.S. officials have expressed confidence they can find
language that will satisfy the Iraqis on all major issues. But the
negotiations are taking place against the backdrop of war and intense
power struggles among rival ethnic groups in Iraq — each with its own
The U.S. operates scores of bases throughout the country, including
the sprawling Camp Victory headquarters in Baghdad, Asad air base in
western Iraq and the giant air facility at Balad, a 16-square-mile
installation about 60 miles north of the capital that houses tens of
thousands of American troops, contractors and U.S. government civilians.
It's still unclear how many of the facilities Washington would want
to keep.
If all else fails, the two sides could go back to the U.N. Security
Council and seek an extension of the mandate allowing troops in Iraq.
But that could prove politically embarrassing — and difficult —
in the waning days of the Bush administration or the early days of the
new U.S. presidency.
The current standoff has its roots in events last August when
leaders of Iraq's rival factions — facing enormous U.S. pressure to
resolve their differences — signed a declaration of unity.
It included a statement that Iraq's government wanted a
long-term security relationship with the United States apart from U.N.
mandates, which Iraq has long wanted to end.
A few months later, Bush and al-Maliki signed a statement of
principles to negotiate two agreements — a broad security framework and
a second deal spelling out the rules for the U.S. military presence.
Talks began in March but Iraqi officials were outraged over the
initial U.S. demands — especially immunity for U.S. soldiers and
security contractors.
The American draft also included no firm commitment to defend
Iraq from foreign invasion — which would require U.S. Senate approval —
nor a timetable for the departure of American troops, according to
Iraqi officials. U.S. officials have released few details.
After Iraqi negotiators briefed lawmakers last month,
politicians from all walks paraded in front of microphones to denounce
the U.S. proposals.
Some commentators likened the U.S. position to the
Iraqi-British treaty of 1930, which gave Britain virtual control of the
country and is widely seen here as a humiliation.
Shiite lawmaker Haidar al-Abadi, speaking for al-Maliki's
party, said June 4 that "negotiations are at a standstill, and the
Iraqi side is studying its options." A week later al-Maliki himself
said talks had reached a "dead-end."
Aides scrambled to clarify that al-Maliki did not mean
negotiations were over. But his comments reflected Iraq's resolve not
to accept an agreement short of major Iraqi demands.
"We could not give amnesty to a soldier carrying arms on our soil,"
al-Maliki said then.
Such comments reflect each Iraqi faction's need to publicly defend
Iraq's rights, amid the country's intense political rivalry.
Some Sunni groups, for example, privately favor a continued
American presence as a counterweight to Iran's influence among Shiites.
Yet several leading Sunni politicians signed a letter to Congress
insisting on a timetable for a U.S. withdrawal — in part to needle
al-Maliki on an nationalistic issue.
Shiite parties, in turn, believe the agreement would shore up
American support for al-Maliki ahead of parliamentary elections next
year — a goal they seek. But Shiite leaders are also anxious to take
over full control of their country.
Meanwhile, recent Iraqi military successes against al-Qaida in
Mosul and Shiite extremists in the south have convinced some Shiite
politicians they don't really need America.
"Iraq has another option that it may use," al-Maliki said
recently. "The Iraqi government, if it wants, has the right to demand
that the U.N. terminate the presence of international forces on Iraqi
sovereign soil."
AUGUST 16th 2008
The last 2 months have brought some advances in Basra. The UK Forces
have had to put up with a lot of unjustified criticism for staying in
the background as far as possible while Iraqi forces have taken the
lead against militias, insurgents and criminals. But the training and
mentoring has paid off and the insurgents have been denied sanctuary.
There may still be setbacks, but peace is coming and trade is returning
to Basra.
right' for UK Iraq troops
The outgoing commander of British forces in Iraq has indicated
most of the 4,100 UK troops in the country could be withdrawn by next
Maj Gen Barney
White-Spunner said the Iraqi-led crackdown on Shia militia groups in
Basra had improved security and they would not regain control.
He said there was obvious "scope" for the government to review
troop numbers.
The PM has said the UK's mission will change in 2009, but the MoD
said it was too early to be specific on reductions.
Maj Gen White-Spunner has just completed a six-month tour of duty
as the British commander in the country.
He described Basra as a happier and more secure city, with property
prices doubling, thanks to the interest of foreign investors.
He said Christians and Sunni Muslims were also returning to the city
and that he was confident the militias would not regain control.
"Basrawis realised what a nightmare, literally, that
was. They're not going to put themselves back through that period of
violent extremism," he told the BBC.
"They have got better things to do now with their lives
and I do not see Basra coming back under militia control. Those days
are passed," he added.
He went on to say he believed conditions were right for
the fundamental change to the UK mission in Iraq, which the prime
minister outlined in Parliament in July.
He said: "The troop numbers will be tailored to what that mission
A combination of security and
investment means Basra has an extremely bright future
Maj Gen Barney White-Spunner
"It's not really helpful to speculate at the moment but as security
improves and Iraqi forces improve their capabilities, which they are
doing daily, then obviously there's scope for numbers to be reviewed."
Maj Gen White-Spunner added there was an "overwhelming feeling of
optimism" in Basra.
Gordon Brown told MPs before the summer recess the 4,100 UK troops
currently deployed in Iraq would stay "for the next few months".
He said there had been a "marked improvement" in
conditions in Basra and the focus of British armed forces was to
complete the task of training and mentoring the 14th Division of the
Iraqi Army.
But in the first few months of 2009 there would be a
"fundamental change of mission" to "make the transition to a long-term
bilateral relationship with Iraq", he added.
US 'supportive'
Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, who recently visited Basra as part
the Commons Defence Select Committee, welcomed the indication but said
it was important not to "undermine confidence" by announcing
withdrawals too soon.
He added there was also an opportunity for the UK to
maintain a military training and mentoring role for years to come "in a
country that is going to become extremely wealthy and important in the
region where our influence will be very beneficial".
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said although it was
hoped the UK military presence in Iraq would decrease "significantly in
the future", it was too early to discuss the "size and shape of a
reduced UK forces' footprint".
The change of mission would be based on conditions on
the ground, the plans of coalition partners and the military
contribution requested by the government of Iraq, he said.
The US was "intimately involved" with the development
of future plans and was "fully supportive" of the UK's current position
and proposals, he added.
Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Edward Davey
said it appeared the troops were there "more as political cover for the
Brown-Bush relationship than to provide any real help to the Iraqi
The government was wrong not to set out a clear timetable and
troops should be withdrawn by Christmas this year, he added.
AUGUST 26th 2008
Below is an excellent essay by Patrick Cockburn. He underestimates the
effects of the 'surge' and adjusts some of his earlier opinions - I
have often wondered if he understood the alternatives - but this is a
good round-up of current thinking.
The Big Question: Will Iraq disintegrate if the United States
withdraws its troops?
By Patrick Cockburn - The Independent, Tuesday,
26 August 2008
Why are we asking this now?
The United States and Iraq are close to agreeing a security accord
under which the US would pull its combat troops out of Iraqi cities,
towns and villages on 30 June 2009, and out of Iraq by 31 December
2011. This will only happen if a joint Iraqi-American ministerial
committee agrees that security in Iraq has improved to the point where
the half million strong Iraqi security forces can take over. Other
aspects of the draft agreement show that the government of the Iraqi
Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, is increasingly confident of its own
military and political strength.
The new accord is very different from the one the US proposed as
recently as March, which would simply have continued the US occupation,
much as it has been under the UN mandate, which runs out at the end of
the year. The main point about the agreement, if it is implemented as
expected, is that the US will cease to be the predominant military
power in Iraq from next summer for the first time since the US-led
coalition overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Will Iraq be able to hold together as US troops depart?
Yes it will, but not because the three main Iraqi communities love each
other. The Shias are coming out the winners, and this was always
inevitable once the US had decided to overthrow the predominantly Sunni
regime of Saddam Hussein. Shias make up 60 per cent of the Iraqi
population, and the Sunni Arabs and the Kurds are each about 20 per
cent. Mr Maliki leads a Shia-Kurdish government in which the most
powerful element is the Shia religious parties.
The insurgency in which 4,300 American soldiers were killed and 30,000
were wounded was a rebellion of the Sunni community. This was the war
to which the world paid most attention. But there was a second savage
civil war between the Sunnis and Shias, which the Shias won decisively.
They now control most of the government and the army. They hold at
least three-quarters of Baghdad after fierce fighting in the capital in
2005-07. The Sunnis are now too weak to set up a separate canton. The
Kurds need to remain part of Iraq, however much they may yearn for
independence, because otherwise they face invasion by Turkey. The
central government is becoming increasingly assertive against the
Kurds, particularly over the issue of who holds Kirkuk and the right to
award contracts for oil exploration and exploitation.
Does this mean that the Surge worked and the US has won in Iraq?
This is mostly propaganda. The Surge was the increase in US troop
levels by 30,000 men, from February 2007, and more aggressive tactics
by the US army under the command of General David Petraeus.
But even before the Surge, it was clear that the Sunni community was
being driven out of large parts of Iraq, above all from greater
There was also a backlash against al-Qa'ida, which had overplayed its
hand by declaring "the Islamic State of Iraq" in late 2006. It has
sought to marginalise or kill hostile Sunni tribal leaders. It killed
or mutilated anybody who failed to obey its extreme fundamentalist
Islamic beliefs. Hairdressers were shot dead for giving "un-Islamic"
But, above all, the Sunnis could see that al-Qa'ida's brutal and bloody
use of enormous vehicle bombs against Shias had provoked a devastating
reaction. Sunni nationalist insurgents had no choice but to end their
guerrilla war against the US forces and seek US support and aid. There
are now 103,000 members of Al-Sahwa, or the Awakening Movement, who are
paid for by the US. American military fatalities are down to only 18 so
far this month.
But the fall in violence is only partly to do with the actions of the
US. It is a great mistake to imagine that the US makes all the
political weather in Iraq.
The main reason for the end of the Sunni insurgency against the US
forces is the defeat of Sunnis by Shias in the battle for Baghdad.
Is al-Qa'ida finished in Iraq?
It is much weaker than it was. It has lost its old bastions in Anbar
province to the west and in much of Baghdad. But it is a mistake to
think that it is wholly eliminated. The grim evidence for this is
carefully planned assassinations of Awakening Movement members, usually
by suicide bombers, that would require good intelligence and
organisation. Al-Qa'ida clearly still has the capacity of launching
massive suicide bombs against Shia civilian targets. Crowded street
markets are very difficult to protect.
Surely life in Baghdad and the rest of Iraq is getting better?
It certainly is improving, but there is a misconception outside Iraq
about what this means. At the height of the Sunni-Shia sectarian
conflict, some 3,000 people were being murdered every month. In July,
this figure was down to about 900, according to the Iraqi Interior
This is better, but scarcely represents a return to normal life.
Baghdad is still the most dangerous city in the world. Sunnis and Shias
seldom visit each other's districts.
The best barometer for the real state of security in Iraq is the
ability of the 4.7 million refugees inside and outside the country to
return home. There are about one in six Iraqis who have lost the places
in which they used to live. Often these displaced people live in
miserable conditions in Jordan, Syria or other parts of Iraq, but it is
still too dangerous, despite all the talk of conditions improving in
Iraq, for them to reclaim their homes.
Where does Iran stand in all this?
This is the most misunderstood element in the Iraq crisis. The present
Iraqi government had two main allies: the US and Iran. Their dispute is
over who should have influence over that government. Iran has played a
crucial role in the success of the so-called Surge. The Iraqi army
fought poorly against the militiamen of the Mahdi Army in March and
April. It was Iran that mediated a ceasefire on the Baghdad
government's terms. It was Iran which pressured the Mahdi Army's
leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, to call his man off the streets. A prime
reason why Iraq is not going to disintegrate is that Iran does not want
it to.
So the departure of US troops from Iraq will not mean a renewed
civil war?
No. The main civil war is over. The Shias won and the Sunnis lost. But
the Sunni minority in Baghdad looks vulnerable without American
protection. The Iraqi army is increasingly moving against the Sunni
Awakening Movement in Anbar province and elsewhere.
Will Iraq fall apart if the Americans go?
* Shias, Sunnis and Kurds seem unable to agree on anything
* Almost five million Iraqis are refugees and cannot return to their
* The Americans are the only non-sectarian military force
* The Shia-Kurdish government looks as if it is here to stay
* Sectarian killings are down, though Shias, Sunnis and Kurds live in
their own enclaves
* The occupation has always been opposed by the majority of Iraqis
outside Kurdistan
SEPTEMBER 1st 2008
First let me remind readers of the news in 2006
Situation Called Dire in West Iraq
Anbar Is Lost Politically, Marine Analyst Says
By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 11, 2006; Page A01
The chief of intelligence for the Marine
Corps in Iraq recently filed an unusual secret report concluding that
the prospects for securing that country's western Anbar province are
dim and that there is almost nothing the U.S. military can do to
improve the political and social situation there, said several military
officers and intelligence officials familiar with its contents.
officials described Col. Pete Devlin's classified assessment of the
dire state of Anbar as the first time that a senior U.S. military
officer has filed so negative a report from Iraq.
the news today:
US hands
over key Iraq province
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Maj Gen John Kelly and Anbar governor Maamoun Sami Rashid sign
The US military has handed Anbar province, once the centre of
Sunni insurgency, to Iraqi control at a ceremony in the provincial
Anbar province began a transformation in 2006 as former insurgents
turned against al-Qaeda and became US allies.
More than a quarter of all US soldiers killed in Iraq have died in
Anbar, which is Iraq's biggest province.
With Anbar's transfer Iraqi forces will control security in 11 of
the country's 18 provinces.
The government headquarters in Ramadi was draped with tribal flags
the handover ceremony, which was presided over by US, Iraqi and tribal
Iraq's largest, borders with Syria, Jordan and
Saudi Arabia
Population of about 2m, 95% Sunni Arab
About 1,300 US troops and 6,000 Iraqis killed
there since 2003
Base for 28,000 US troops, down from 37,000 in
US President George W Bush hailed it as a major achievement for US
Iraqi troops as well as "the brave tribes and other civilians from
Anbar who worked alongside them".
"Today, Anbar is no longer lost to al-Qaeda - it is
al-Qaeda that lost Anbar," he said in a statement. "Anbar has been
transformed and reclaimed by the Iraqi people."
The BBC's Mike Sergeant in Baghdad says the handover represents a
significant milestone for America in Iraq.
But he says there are major concerns about whether the well-armed
tribesmen who helped the US fight al-Qaeda can ever work comfortably
with the national government of Iraq.
Handover delays
A top US commander in Iraq, Marine Maj Gen John Kelly, told the
Associated Press that US troop levels in Anbar would come down, but
there would not be an instant or dramatic reduction.
The marine force [in Anbar] will be smaller soon. I don't think it
be overnight. I think it will happen incrementally."
The US military currently has 28,000 soldiers in Anbar, down from
37,000 in February, according to US figures, while the number of Iraqi
soldiers and police has reportedly risen to 37,000, from 5,000 three
years ago.
"Our forces are ready to take the security
responsibility," Majid
al-Assafi, Anbar's new police chief, told AFP news agency. "They are
controlling the situation."
The handover of Anbar was postponed several times.
Initially scheduled for March, the transfer was delayed until June
before being pushed back again.
US officials blamed June's delay on a sandstorm and
then another hold-up in July on a disagreement between the province's
governor and the Iraqi government in Baghdad over the control of
security forces.
Following the 2003 US-led invasion, many members of
Anbar's Sunni tribes turned to al-Qaeda in Iraq and other insurgent
The ambush of four US contractors in the Anbar town of
Falluja in March 2004 - whose burned corpses were dragged through the
streets - was a low point for American efforts to pacify the province.
But in late 2006, Anbar began a dramatic change after
Sunni tribal leaders turned against al-Qaeda, accusing the movement of
attempting to dominate the insurgency.
Backed by US money, the Sunni tribal leaders formed "Awakening
Councils", and began to take charge of security.
Anbar became a much less dangerous place, but the Awakening Councils
remain a separate military and political force in the country.
And from
Signature of peace, security prepares Anbar for Provincial Iraqi
Story by Gunnery Sgt. Matthew Butler, Photos by Cpl. Erin A. Kirk
RAMADI, Iraq (Aug. 29, 2008)
– The governor and the commanding general of all the Iraqi Security
Forces for al-Anbar took full control and responsibility for security
from Coalition forces, which has loosened control of the once deadly
The Iraqi leaders signed
the Command and Control Memorandum of Understanding in a ceremony at
the Anbar Governance Center here Aug. 26, proof that progress for a
safe and secure al-Anbar is moving forward for the people of the region
and Iraq.
“Today I, my province and
its Army commander, Maj. Gen. Murthi Mush’hen Almhalawi, who led its
troops to victory against al-Qaeda, are happy to announce that we will
join together to protect and serve Anbar,” said Gov. Ma’amoon Sami
Rashim Alawi, al-Anbar’s provincial governor.
“We will receive its security responsibilities from the friendly
forces,” said Gov. Ma’amoon before signing the document.
who now oversees the Army, Police and Border Enforcement for the
province at the Anbar Operation Command in Ramadi, has a full measure
of respect for his position and the security of the province.
Anbar’s security responsibility is an honor and one that I have been
charged with and will protect, and we will fiercely protect the lives
of our citizens. We will sacrifice all we have for the well-being of
our elders, youths, men and women,” Murthi said.
was really a red-letter day for the province and the United States,
because it is the first step in completely turning over responsibility
to the local officials,” said Maj. Gen. John F. Kelly, commanding
general of Multi National Force -West.
was a historic day because the Army, Police and the civil government
are working together in unison to provide security for the people of
Anbar, said Col. Danny Bubp, Governor Ma’amoon’s military liaison
officer said.
When the war began in
2003, a dynamic change took place that saw a dangerous dictator in
Saddam Hussein be removed from power. The region was plunged into chaos
by al-Qaeda and the insurgency that attempted to thwart peace and
democracy. Now there is evidence of a democracy at works here in Anbar
province. “We are seeing it at its very best,” said Bubp.
we talk about a historic day, certainly this will go down as the day
that marks the change from Coalition forces turning control of security
back to the Anbaris, Iraqi, and the new government,” Bubp said.
Safety and security of the province were keys to the allowing this
change in authority to happen.
of the progress could have happened if the insurgents, al-Qaeda, and
terrorist had not been dealt with, Bubp said. “Coalition forces have
been working together with the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Police,
training them and developing them. Now they are using their own
intelligence sources to work with Coalition forces against the
insurgence and terrorists.”
This is
something brand new to the Iraqis, because under the former
there was no civil authority - there was just Saddom and his military
controlling everything.
“Now we’ve
got the governor of Anbar province, the Provincial Council, the elected
officials and representatives of the people working with the military
and Iraqi Police, all working in unison toward protecting the
populace,” Bubp said.
“We wouldn’t be
here today signing this MOU as a prelude to signing the final MOU for
the final Provincial Iraqi Control, to be signed next week, without
Coalition forces in this province,” Kelly said.
been overwhelmingly over the last four years a Marine-led or controlled
province,” said Kelly, who commands nearly 25,500 Coalition forces in
Anbar. “I am the sixth Marine general officer to command here in the
province, but it’s been a joint-team effort; and over a thousand
Americans of all ages and wearing all four of our countries uniforms
have died here in the province, but (PIC) wouldn’t have happened if the
Coalition had not been as good as it is.”
won’t be the first province to PIC, and it won’t be the last province
to PIC; but I would say it the most remarkable province because of what
has gone on here and what a fight it was, and how infiltrated al-Qaeda
was here,” Kelly said.
Bubp described
how al-Qaeda in Iraq had its headquarters in Ramadi and paraded down
the main street of Ramadi in 2006. “You can see how dynamic things have
changed; the people did not want al-Qaeda, they don’t want insurgents,
they want peace, they want to raise their families and they want more
for their children than what they’ve got -education being number one,
not only for boys but for girls too. It’s exciting to see all of those
things coming together in what we call a democracy.”
With fledgling democracy growing, violence is dying.
would compare the level of violence in a city like Fallujah or Ramadi
as much lower than the level of violence in the cities in America, if
not all cities in America, of like size," Kelly said.
Still, Kelly cautions on using the word victory just yet; there is
still much to be done.
the Iraqis to have victory they need to carry the ball the last 10
yards, said Kelly. He added that economic development and
reconstruction are in the hands of the Iraqi government, who has enough
money to fund their own initiatives.
But Kelly says he is not done. “We will not walk away from them;
we are still very much partnered with them.”
SEPTEMBER 14th 2008 Bombings still
take place but.... This Reuters report gives credit where it is
Petraeus to leave behind a very different Iraq
When General David Petraeus took over as U.S. military commander in
Iraq in February 2007, the country was on the brink of all-out civil
Car bombs rocked Baghdad every day -- including 42 alone during the
month he assumed command.
But backed by 30,000 extra U.S. soldiers, Petraeus implemented a
new counterinsurgency strategy that combined with other factors helped
drag Iraq back from the abyss.
Petraeus hands control of U.S. forces in Iraq to Lieutenant-General
Ray Odierno, on Tuesday. Odierno, who served as number 2 U.S. commander
in Iraq for 15 months until February, will be promoted to full general
on the day of the handover.
Petraeus leaves behind a very different Iraq. Violence has dropped
to levels not seen since early 2004 and Iraqi officials now eagerly
talk about drumming up foreign investment.
The wiry, scholarly looking Petraeus acknowledges he harbored dark
thoughts at times during his command.
"Certainly you do have moments where if you are honest with
yourself in something as difficult as this has been, you occasionally
wonder if it will be achievable," Petraeus told Reuters in an interview
in Baghdad in late July.
"But we are in a very different place now than from where we were a
year, a year and a half ago."
Petraeus will still be involved in Iraq policy when he takes over
next month as head of the U.S. Central Command, the headquarters that
oversees operations in a swathe of countries across the Middle East and
beyond, including Afghanistan.
He has spent more time in Iraq than just about any other American
soldier since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
While some critics question whether the security gains in Iraq are
sustainable and have been matched by enough political progress,
Petraeus was pivotal in getting violence down.
Upon taking command in Iraq he moved troops off their big,
fortified bases and into population centers in Baghdad where al Qaeda
was wreaking havoc with car bombs and sectarian death squads were
roaming the streets at will.
This meant setting up small joint combat outposts throughout
Baghdad and other places where U.S. soldiers lived and fought with
Iraqi troops. Petraeus also ordered a wave of aggressive operations
against insurgents of all stripes.
The initial stages were costly -- during the months of April-June
2007 more than 330 U.S. troops were killed in Iraq, making it the
deadliest quarter of the war.
But then troop deaths began to fall rapidly as all "surge" forces
deployed, increasing numbers of Sunni Arab tribal groups joined the
fight against al Qaeda and Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr imposed a
ceasefire on his Mehdi Army militia.
Petraeus kept up a grueling schedule.
He made regular visits to the battlefield to speak to troops and to
seek feedback on how the war was being fought.
Arriving at a military base in volatile Diyala province last
October on a trip accompanied by Reuters, Petraeus went straight into a
meeting with junior officers. He wanted their views without the base
commander present.
That was part of Petraeus's approach, say aides: encourage the
lieutenants and captains who were in the field every day to talk
freely, without their immediate superiors around. Ordinary soldiers
would send him emails.
Petraeus also showed media savvy in Baghdad and Washington, never
getting drawn into over-optimistic predictions about Iraq when
statistics showed violence dropping sharply. Even now, he repeatedly
says there will be no "victory dance" in Iraq.
Richard Kohn, a military historian at the University of North
Carolina, said Petraeus has the highest public profile and popularity
of any U.S. general in years but cautioned that could change if Iraq
unraveled or he did not impress in his next job.
Petraeus would face even more difficult challenges, such as the war
in Afghanistan and militancy in Pakistan, when he takes on the Central
Command job, Kohn said.
"He's got an even more complex situation on his hands," Kohn said.
(Additional reporting by Andrew Gray in Washington, Editing by
Ralph Boulton)
NOVEMBER 11th 2008
There are car-bombs and other terror attacks these days in and around
Baghdad and recruitment to al-Qaida never ceases, but the majority of
Iraqis are dedicated to a peaceful future.
Baghdad bridge of death becomes bridge of hope
By Wisam Mohammed and Khalid
al-Ansary Wisam Mohammed And Khalid Al-ansary
- Reuters
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Sunnis
Shi'ites made an emotional reach across the sectarian divide on
Tuesday, reopening a Baghdad bridge between the two communities closed
since a 2005 stampede, the deadliest incident of the war.
The Bridge of
the Imams
connects the Adhamiya and Kadhimiya neighborhoods of Baghdad, named for
mediaeval Sunni and Shi'ite holy men whose landmark shrines on opposite
sides of the Tigris are surrounded by homes of members of the separate
It had been closed since 2005 when rumors of a suicide bombing
panicked thousands of Shi'ites crossing the bridge
for a pilgrimage to the Kadhimiya shrine. About one thousand people
died in that stampede, clogging the river below with corpses.
But on Tuesday Sunni children from Adhamiya raced to see their
friends in Kadhimiya. Women from the two communities met up on the
bridge, kissing and hugging each other with joy.
"When the faces met, the lips smiled, hands shook, bodies hugged,
tears flowed out of joy. This is the Iraqi citizen," said Sheikh Ahmed
al-Samaraie, head of Iraq's Sunni Endowment, which runs Sunni religious
offices and mosques in Iraq.
A banner across the bridge read: "The bridge of love and
reconciliation between the people of Adhamiya and Kadhimiya."
Officials said the event was a sign that the sectarian hatred that
fueled years of violence
in Iraq is ebbing away. The number of Iraqi civilians and U.S.
troops killed last month was the lowest monthly toll since the fall of Saddam Hussein.
"This day is a remarkable day, a day of a great Iraq. The day of
meeting, love, brotherhood, affinity ... The day we proved to the whole
world that we are one nation," Sayyid Salih al-Haidari, Samaraie's
Shi'ite counterpart said in a speech. Delegations accompanying the two
officials then went to pray together at a nearby mosque.
Traders and students said the bridge would improve their lives, by
cutting out an arduous detour through the city center.
Despite reconciliation between Adhamiya and Kadhimya, concrete blast
walls still divide Baghdad districts, many along sectarian lines,
making commuting difficult. Frequent bomb attacks still take a deadly
But for many people the main impact of the bridge's reopening was to
help heal old wounds and move on.
Sheikh Ihsan al-Tamimi, whose three sons and a nephew had been
kidnapped and killed, had come to bury the hatchet.
"I am here today to show that an Iraqi can forgive a brother Iraqi,
even if there is blood between them," he said.
Volleys of mortar rounds and gunfire had passed over the Tigris
between Kahdimiya and Adhamiya districts for years. Now each side
slaughtered a sheep in each other's honor.
Widad Ahmed, a doctor, was hit in the leg by a bullet on the
Adhamiya bank of the Tigris two years ago.
"We came today to forget the wounds of the past," she said.
(Writing by Mohammed Abbas: Editing by Dominic Evans)
NOVEMBER 16th 2008
Iraq's government approves security pact with US
ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writers
– Iraq's Cabinet overwhelmingly approved a security pact with the
United States on Sunday, ending prolonged negotiations to allow
American forces to remain for three more years in the country they
first occupied in 2003.
The deal
detailing the conditions of the U.S. presence still needs parliamentary
approval, and lawmakers could vote as soon as Nov. 24. For Iraqis, the
breakthrough was bittersweet because they won concessions from the
Americans but must accept the presence of U.S. troops until 2012.
the best possible, available option," said government spokesman Ali
al-Dabbagh. He was referring to the conflict between Iraq's desire for
full sovereignty and control over security and its need for American
support and cooperation to achieve that goal.
described the pact — intended to supplant the U.N. mandate expiring
Dec. 31 — as an "agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. troops," and
Washington welcomed the Cabinet's approval.
the process is not yet complete, we remain hopeful and confident we'll
soon have an agreement that serves both the people of Iraq and the
United States well and sends a signal to the region and the world that
both our governments are committed to a stable, secure and democratic
Iraq," said Gordon
Johndroe, spokesman for the White House's National Security Council.
There is a good chance parliament will pass the agreement with a
large majority, since the parties that make up Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's coalition government
dominate the legislature.
The pact was due to be completed by the end of July, but
negotiations stumbled over parts pertaining to Iraqi sovereignty and judicial oversight.
Al-Dabbagh said Iraq's government has received U.S. assurances that
the President-elect
Barack Obama
would honor the agreement, and pointed out that each side has the right
to repeal it after giving one year's notice. Obama, who takes office in
January, has said he would pull U.S. combat troops out of Iraq within
16 months of moving into the White House — or May 2010.
Iraq's neighbors and U.S. adversaries, Iran and Syria, oppose the pact, arguing
that the immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces offered the best option
for Iraq.
Iraqi government sought to allay their fears, amending the document to
prohibit the Americans from using Iraqi territory to attack neighboring
The Cabinet's decision was
made amid violence, despite a dramatic improvement in security over the
past year. Fresh attacks underlined doubts about whether Iraq's nascent
security forces can stand without U.S. military support and training.
after the Cabinet vote, seven people died and seven were wounded in a
suicide car bombing at a police checkpoint in Diyala, a turbulent
province northeast of Baghdad,
according to police Col. Ahmed Khalifa, chief of Jalula police station.
U.S. military said the attack in Jalula occurred at a police station
and that four police and six civilians died. There was no immediate
explanation for the discrepancy in the reports.
Earlier Sunday, a roadside bomb killed three people and wounded
seven in northern Baghdad, Iraqi authorities said.
Al-Dabbagh said all but one of 28 Cabinet ministers
present in Sunday's meeting, in addition to al-Maliki, voted for the
pact. The sole vote of dissent came from Minister of Women's Affairs
Nawal al-Samaraie, a member of the Iraqi Islamic Party, the country's
largest Sunni Arab party.
She said she voted against the pact because she preferred that it be
put to a nationwide referendum. She also wanted the U.S. military
to free Sunni security detainees not charged with specific crimes,
rather than hand them to Iraqi authorities as provided by the agreement.
The Cabinet vote followed Washington's decision last week to grant a
request by al-Maliki for final amendments.
Khalid al-Attiyah, parliament's deputy speaker,
said the changes removed ambiguous language that could have allowed
U.S. forces to ignore a timeline for their withdrawal from Iraqi cities
by June 30, 2009 and from the country by Jan. 1, 2012. The changes also
tightened Iraq's control over security raids and the arrest of Iraqis.
The agreement is believed to have met Iraqi concerns over its
sovereignty and its security needs as it continues to grapple with a
diminished but persistent insurgency. It gives Iraq the right to try
U.S. soldiers and defense
contractors in the case of serious crimes committed off-duty and
Al-Attiyah said he expected parliament to vote on the agreement by
Nov. 24. If parliament approves the deal, President Jalal Talabani and his two
deputies must ratify it.
Iraq's parliament is due to go into recess at the end of the month
in early December because of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday, when many
lawmakers travel to Saudi
Arabia on the annual pilgrimage.
Parliamentary speaker Mahmoud
canceled all leave for lawmakers and suspended foreign and out-of-town
visits to ensure a quorum for the security pact vote, al-Attiyah said.
"I'm optimistic that this agreement will be passed through the
Council of Representatives (parliament)," spokesman al-Dabbagh told Associated Press Television
News. But he added: "You cannot guarantee 100 percent approval
of anything."
Barring unforeseen developments, the document should receive the
support of the 85 lawmakers of the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance, the 54
Kurdish lawmakers and most of the 44 lawmakers in the Iraqi Accordance
Front, the largest Sunni Arab bloc.
Radical Shiite
cleric Muqtada al-Sadr,
who commands the loyalty of 30 lawmakers, urged parliament in a
statement Sunday to reject the agreement "without the least
hesitation." The statement was read by a top al-Sadr aide on Iraq's
al-Sharqiya Television.
Al-Sadr, whose militiamen battled U.S. forces in the past, has
threatened to resume attacks on U.S. forces if they don't immediately
withdraw from Iraq. He called for a mass prayer and protest in a
central Baghdad square on Friday.
The Cabinet vote came a day after Iraq's most influential Shiite
cleric, Grand Ayatollah
Ali al-Sistani, indicated he would not object to the pact if it
passes by a comfortable majority in parliament.
Associated Press writers Sameer N. Yacoub, Sinan Salaheddin and Saad
Abdul-Kadir contributed to this report.
DECEMBER 18th 2008
We now have a date for UK forces to leave Basra. Contrary to various
claims they have done a good job, though it suits some Iraqi
politicians to claim they did not. A tougher line against the Shia
Militia could only have been pursued with more political will from both
Iraqis and the British population. As it was, they held the line and
trained Iraqi troops until the UK retirment to Basra airport was
actually the spur that was required to get the Baghdad government and
military to step up to the challenge in the Charge of the Knights. Of
all the mistakes that were made after the initial invasion to remove
Saddam, the British military made the fewest, though it was indeed a
mistake to think that experience in Northern Ireland could be applied
to the Basra situation other than to give training to the troops
themselves in relation to terrorist attacks.
pullout is 'met with relief'
By Caroline Wyatt
Defence correspondent, BBC News |
For the first time, a rough official timetable for British
forces to leave Iraq has been made public.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said that the British mission there
will end no later than 31 May, 2009.
He is expected to provide further details of the withdrawal to
Parliament on Thursday.
His visit to Baghdad came after the Iraqi cabinet agreed a draft law
Tuesday, which should be approved by the Iraqi parliament before the
end of the year.
It states that foreign forces - including Britain - will have until
the end of next July to leave the country.
US forces are covered under a separate Status of Forces Agreement,
which will allow them to stay until the end of 2011.
Car bomb attack
This statement marks the beginning of the end of the British
mission in Iraq, almost six years after the US-led invasion in 2003.
British troop numbers peaked in Iraq that year, with
46,000 in total, in the operation which toppled Saddam Hussein from
power and plunged the country into years of deadly insurgency and
brought it to the brink of civil war.
Some 178 servicemen and women from Britain have lost their lives in
Iraq since the invasion.
Only 4,100 British forces are still left in Basra, the majority of
them based at the air station outside the city.
Their main task now is training and mentoring Iraqi forces,
the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Navy, the latter a key task, as Iraq's oil
platforms need to be protected.
Once the bulk of British forces have left, a few hundred are
expected to remain to continue that training mission.
On Wednesday, the day Gordon Brown announced the planned
withdrawal, a loud explosion rang through central Baghdad.
It was a car bomb, followed by an improvised explosive device (IED),
which killed 18 and left 52 people injured, an indication that life for
most Iraqis is still far from normal.
The security situation has improved markedly since the
US troop surge last year, but every day still brings bombs, IEDs or
shootings somewhere in Iraq.
Cities such as Mosul, in the north, still see regular
violent clashes, in a nation that feels bruised, battered and bloodied
by more than five years of conflict.
'Unpopular war'
However, Basra, home to the British area of operations in the south,
has been much more peaceful since Operation Charge of the Knights, the
operation led by the Iraqi Army in March.
It was designed to rid the city of Shia militias and gangs of
criminals who had controlled much of the city.
British forces helped train Iraq's 14th Division, which took part in
the mission, but the UK played only a minor role in the operation
itself, apparently taken by surprise by its timing.
Critics said the UK's earlier decision to leave Basra
Palace and withdraw to the air station in December 2007, allowed a
security vacuum to develop in the city which only ended with the
successful Iraqi military offensive.
When British troops withdraw, it is expected they will hand over
air station to US forces, who will remain in the south to ensure
security and protect the vital supply route that leads from Kuwait to
The withdrawal is likely to be met with a sense of
relief in Britain that a controversial and unpopular war is at last
drawing to a close.
Initial expectations that the invasion in 2003 could be
quick and light, with US and UK forces and their allies handing the
country back rapidly to a new Iraqi government, were dashed in the
sectarian clashes that followed.
Iraqis now hope their country is finally on the path to
a more peaceful future where it can determine its own path politically
and economically, and is able to prosper without the presence of
foreign armies on its soil.
DECEMBER 21st 2008
The media are very fond of the concept of 'humiliation' every time we
don't win a cricket match or there is a difference of opinion with
another government. Personally I think anything that gets the Iraqis
taking responsibility for their own country is a good thing. If it
helps then to sell it to their own people by dressing it up as a
humiliation of the UK, then bring it on. Humiliation can only ever be
in the mind of the humiliated and there is no chance of that as far as
anyone other than our absurd media prima donnas are concerned. As for
the failure of the Iraqi parliament to approve the terms agreed between
Gordon Brown and Nouri al-Maliki, we can change them or, if that would
be disastrous for too many Iraqis, just wait for their parliament to
change its mind.
Humiliation: Iraqi MPs reject UK exit deal
Parliamentary vote on
mandate for British forces could leave them without legal cover next
month. Kim Sengupta in Basra and Brian Brady report
The Independent on Sunday - Sunday,
21 December 2008
Foreign Office
sources insist that UK troops will not be confined to barracks in the
new year
exit strategy from Iraq suffered a setback yesterday when the country's
parliament rejected a draft law paving the way for withdrawal of forces
by the end of July. The reversal was embarrassing for both Gordon Brown
and the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, after the two leaders
publicly declared last week that an agreement had been reached on the
US to replace British forces in southern Iraq
Associated Press Writer Chelsea J. Carter,
Associated Press Writer
Iraq – American troops will move into southern Iraq early next year to
replace departing British forces, the top U.S. general in Iraq said.
comments came as Iraq's major parliamentary parties reached a
compromise Sunday to allow approval of a resolution allowing all
foreign troops other than Americans to remain in Iraq until July 2009.
Britain has said its 4,000 troops will withdraw from the southern port
city of Basra by the end of May.
Army Gen. Ray Odierno, the overall commander of U.S. and allied forces
in Iraq, said in an interview with The Associated Press late Saturday
that he is considering moving either a brigade or division headquarters
— about 100 personnel — as well as an undetermined number of combat
troops to Iraq's second-largest city.
a headquarters unit to Basra would essentially give the U.S. complete
responsibility there and across the rest of the country for providing
training and support to all Iraqi security forces.
will be a smaller presence than what is here now. We think it's
important to maintain some presence down here just because we think
Basra is an important city, and we think it's important to have some
oversight here," Odierno told The AP in Basra, where the general was
briefed by British Maj. Gen. Andy Salmon about the area's stability and
preparations being made to withdraw.
Odierno said Multi-National Division — Center, which is responsible
for the area south of Baghdad will expand south to the Persian Gulf and the
Kuwait border. Basra is at the heart of the country's vital oil
Britain will withdraw its 4,000 troops by the end of May. After the
Dec. 31 expiration of the U.N. mandate authorizing military operations in
Iraq, the only coalition troops to remain will be the U.S., Britain, Australia, El Salvador,
Estonia and Romania.
Abbas al-Bayati
of the Shiite United
Iraqi Alliance
said parliament will vote on Monday after political blocs reached a
compromise to approve the draft resolution. He told AP that it would
"give the government the authority to keep some troops for training
The compromise comes after
Iraq's parliament twice rejected the resolution. If it is not passed
before a U.N. mandate expires on Dec. 31, those troops would have no
legal ground to remain.
According to Ali
al-Adeeb, a member of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's inner
circle, said the political blocs agreed to pass the resolution.
separate agreement approved by the Iraqi government on Dec. 4 allows
the United States to keep troops in the country until the end of 2011.
That agreement, which takes effect on Jan. 1, gives Iraq strict
oversight over the nearly 150,000 American troops now in the country.
Odierno has said that even after that summer deadline, some U.S.
training teams will remain in Iraqi cities.
He also said no decision has been made to withdraw the nearly 22,000
Marines in Iraq,
mostly in Anbar province, where insurgent violence is relatively low,
despite comments from the Marine commandant that there was a
greater role for his troops in Afghanistan.
"Any decision on force structure here in Iraq will be made by me,"
he said, adding he would then make recommendations to Gen. David Petraeus,
commander of all U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
will take into account what is going on in Anbar, in the rest of the
country, to make sure that we have the proper force structure to
continue our mission to make sure we don't give up any of the security
gains we have," Odierno said.
among Odierno's concerns about maintaining stability in Iraq is
providing adequate security for the Jan. 31 Iraq-wide provincial
He will make a decision
about the future duties of American troops about 60 days after
January's provincial elections, enough time to monitor and deal with
any violence that might arise.
"So we
have to make sure in the election those who didn't win understand that,
and we will be able to seat the new government properly," Odierno told
AP. "And once we get to that point, it's now time for us to take a look
at what is right for the future."
Associated Press writer Qassim Abdul-Zahra contributed to this
FEBRUARY 7th 2009
UN hails
Iraq election results
The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, has made a surprise
visit to
Iraq to congratulate voters there on the outcome of nationwide local
After talks with political leaders in Baghdad, Mr Ban said the vote
showed how far Iraq had come.
However, he said there was still a long way to go before Iraqis
could claim to have "genuine freedom and security".
Allies of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki swept to victory in Baghdad
and key provinces in last Saturday's poll.
The United Nations played a key role in organising the elections -
as a test of stability before a general election, due later this year.
The BBC's Jim Muir, in Baghdad, says that like everyone
else, the UN is relieved that both the polling day itself and the
announcement of the results passed off with virtually no violence at
Celebratory mood
Election commission preliminary results announced on Thursday showed
Maliki's State of Law coalition had made spectacular gains in southern
Shia areas.
The coalition won 38% of votes in Baghdad and 37% in Iraq's second
Basra - curbing the previous dominance of rival Shia parties.
Meanwhile, the once-dominant Sunni Arabs regained
political power in other parts of the country - having boycotted the
2005 election.
There were fears of violence in the mainly Sunni
flashpoint province of al-Anbar, where tribal leaders had threatened to
take up arms over the result.
In the event, they came in just half a percentage point behind
another Sunni party to which they are allied.
Mr Ban was expected to hold talks with Mr Maliki as well as Iraqi
President Jalal Talabani while in Baghdad.
He will "reiterate the UN's commitment to the country", and "above
congratulate the Iraqi people on the success of largely violence-free
elections", UN spokesman Said Arikat told the AFP news agency.
The election was an extraordinary achievement in a
country that has been wracked by violence for the last nearly six
years, our correspondent says.
Healthy and peaceful political competition, and change through the
ballot box, have become the name of the game, he adds.
Just over half of Iraqis voted in Saturday's election, lower than
some had predicted.
Final results are not expected to be known for weeks.
FEBRUARY 28th 2009
The decision Obama has taken puts a date on withdrawal and a date on
the end of military operations. Only a change agreed at those dates at
the request of the Iraqi government could extend these.
Obama moved toward commanders in Iraq decision
House Correspondent Jennifer Loven,
WASHINGTON – President
Barack Obama leaned heavily toward field commanders' preferences in settling
a time frame for ending the war in Iraq,
as he weighed the fervent desires of the anti-war community that
propelled him into office and the equally strong worries of the
generals commanding troops in the war zone.
"To this very day, there are some Americans who want to stay in Iraq
longer, and some who want to leave faster," Obama said in making the
announcement Friday, summing up a debate that has divided the country
like no other since the former President George W. Bush launched the
U.S. invasion six years ago.
description suggests he arrived at a split-down-the-middle compromise
with one of the first and most important tasks of his young presidency.
But accounts of the process from officials in the White House, at the Pentagon
and across the administration, who all requested anonymity so they
could speak more candidly about behind-the-scenes discussions, show
MARCH 30th 2009
Today, Britain formally hands over the overwatch and training in Basra
and Southern Iraq to the US The boys (and girls) will be coming home.
They have done a great job. Iraqis and Brits have been through hell, as
I predicted at the start of all files on Iraq, but they have reached a
point where Iraq will have a chance to shape its own future through an
open political system. There is still a lack of security in Baghdad,
there is still a tough deal for many women, but the terrifying tyranny
of Saddam is gone forever.
APRIL 30th 2009
The final stage in the Basra handover took place today, with a ceremony
which the names of the British lost on operations were read out. In
spite of the mistakes that were made there is no doubt our services did
well and the people of Basra, even those who during the peak of the
insurgency fought against us, are grateful. They have said so publicly.
Let us hope they get on OK with the Americans who are taking over.
MAY 27th 2009
I like General Casey and his 'reality check'. He is indeed ready to
take the troops home any time the Iraqi's want that. Unfortunately,
things being the way they are in the world as a whole, they could want
the US to delay the pull out when the time comes. No way to tell just
now, miracles could happen.... Casey's point is that he has to be
prepared for either eventuality.
Army chief: Troops could be in Iraq after 2012
By TOM CURLEY, Associated
Press Writer
WASHINGTON – The United States could have fighting forces in Iraq
and Afghanistan
for a decade, the top Army officer said, even though a signed agreement
requires all U.S. forces to be out of Iraq by 2012.
Gen. George Casey, Army
chief of staff, said Tuesday his planning envisions combat troops in Iraq
and Afghanistan for a decade as part of a sustained U.S. commitment to
fighting extremism and terrorism in the Middle East.
"Global trends are pushing in the wrong direction," Casey said. "They
fundamentally will change how the Army works."
He spoke at an invitation-only briefing to a dozen journalists and
policy analysts from Washington-based think-tanks.
calculations about force levels are related to his attempt to ease the
brutal deployment calendar that he said would "bring the Army to its
Casey would not specify how combat units would be divided between
Iraq and Afghanistan. He said U.S. ground commander Gen. Ray Odierno
is leading a study to determine how far U.S. forces could be cut back
in Iraq and still be effective. Casey said his comments about the long war in Iraq were not
meant to conflict with administration policies.
President Barack Obama
plans to bring U.S. combat forces home from Iraq in 2010, and the
United States and Iraq have agreed that all U.S. forces would leave by
2012. Although several senior U.S. officials have suggested Iraq could
request an extension, the legal agreement the two countries signed last
year would have to be amended for any significant U.S. presence to
As recently as February, Defense Secretary Robert Gates repeated
U.S. commitment to the agreement worked out with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri
"Under the Status of
Forces Agreement
with the Iraqi government, I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq
by the end of 2011," Gates said during an address at Camp Lejeune. "We
will complete this transition to Iraqi responsibility, and we will
bring our troops home with the honor that they have earned."
The United States has about 139,000 troops in Iraq and 52,000 in Afghanistan.
Obama campaigned on ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible and
refocusing U.S. resources on what he called the more important fight in
will not mean a major influx of U.S. fighting forces on the model of
the Iraq "surge," however. Obama has agreed to send about 21,000 combat forces and
trainers to Afghanistan this year. Combined with additional forces
approved before President
George W. Bush
left office, the United States is expected to have about 68,000 troops
in Afghanistan by the end of this year. That's about double the total
at the end of 2008, but Obama's top military and civilian advisers have
indicated the total is unlikely to grow much beyond that.
Casey said several times that he wasn't the person making policy,
but the military was preparing to have a fighting force
deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan for years to come. Casey said his
planning envisions 10 combat brigades plus command and support forces
committed to the two wars.
When asked
whether the Army had any measurement for knowing how big it should be,
Casey responded, "How about the reality scenario?"
reality scenario, he said, must take into account that "we're going to
have 10 Army and Marine units deployed for a decade in Iraq and
Casey stressed that the United States must be ready to take on
sustained fights in the Middle
East while meeting its other commitments.
reiterated statements made by civilian and military leaders that the
situation in Afghanistan would get worse before it gets better.
"There's going to be a big fight in the south," he said.
added that training of local police and military in Afghanistan was at
least a couple years behind the pace in Iraq, and it would be months
before the U.S. deployed enough trainers. There's a steeper curve
before training could be effective in Afghanistan, requiring three to
five years before Afghanis could reach the "tipping point" of control.
He also said the U.S. had to be careful about what assets get
to Afghanistan. "Anything you put in there would be in there for a
As Army chief of
Casey is primarily responsible for assembling the manpower and
determining assignments. He insisted the Army's 1.1-million size was
sufficient even to handle the extended Mideast conflicts.
"We ought to build a pretty effective Army with 1.1 million
strength," Casey said. He also noted that the Army's budget had grown
to $220 billion from $68 billion before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks on the United States.
He said the Army is two-thirds of the way through a complete
overhaul from the Cold War-era force built around tanks and artillery
to today's terrorist-driven realities. The Army has become more
versatile and quicker by switching from division-led units to
brigade-level command.
Casey said the Army has moved from 15-month battlefield
deployments to 12 months. His goal is to move rotations by 2011 to one
year in the battlefield and two years out for regular Army troops
and one year in the battlefield and three years out for reserves. He
called the current one-year-in-one-year-out cycle "unsustainable."
JUNE 22nd 2009
When the hostages were taken back in 2007 from the Baghdad 'Green Zone'
by a squad of terrorists acting convincingly and dressed as police it
was clear we were up against the most ruthless and feared of Shia
extremists. They must have already put blood-curdling fear into enough
people to be able to set up this carefully planned coup, and they had
selected targets they knew Britain would pull out all the stops to
rescue. It was an awful challenge and they knew it. For the years since
then, every resource has been brought to bear to gain their safe
release. Now we know they may all be dead or at best three still
allive. When we read the headline on the front page of the Independent
"FAILED BY THE FOREIGN OFFICE" it is equally clear that the British
Press are at war with the government of this country. They have done
some bean counting and have decided that the number of people suffering
the credit crunch and blaming the Government for their woes, added to
the number richer people who think Gordon Brown has passed his use-by
date, represents a majority who have to be arse-licked.
Up till now I (as David Steel the previous liberal leader) favoured a
private but totally independent inquiry into the Iraq war, going right
back to the beginning and through to the present day/ I can now see
that so little has been understood by at least half of the UK public,
probably because they were not paying attention until the operation was
imminent, that asmuch as possible will have to heard in public and open
to the public, even if it is not basically a public enquiry. There are
still those who think we could be now facing a better global future if,
having got weapOns inspectors back in by advancing a coalition army to
Iraq's border, we had all gone home because we had not found some (IN A
At the time, the evidence against this, even for all those who (myself
included) were against the way US foreign policy was conducted and
desperate at what comedian Sean Locke so aptly called the
'anti-cleverness' of Bush, was overwhelming. The US had decided regime
change was the only possible course, hopefully by threat of invasion,
if not by actual. The UK policy was to make the threat a UN threat. It
might have worked if France and Germany had agreed to make that threat
genuine. Blair faced a choice, abandon America or not. There was
definitely no good option here and the one he took will likely prove
the best for the world and for Iraq in the long term. In the short term
it is just as bad as the critics say.
That brings me to the families of soldiers suing the MOD for sending
their sons to war without equipment to guarantee their safety. I offer
two views, my own and that of a soldier who saw action and deaths in
My own:
I have always thought that since we
never choose the time and place of
military operations, not being the aggressor, we are never properly
equipped at the start of anything and this will always apply, as the
aggressor will always choose tactics their enemy is not equipped to
deal with. We never planned to invade Iraq, but it became
unavoidable. We never anticipated the Basran's would be so divided that
some would do anything to kill us - after all this was the part of Iraq
we had defended from Saddam by no-fly zones for a decade, and then
removed him at their request. The Snatch
was the best we had at the time to get about with.
A soldier's:
I think it's understandable when someone's son has been killed
there is no logic and too much emotion. People seem to expect a
with zero casualties; when they occur people look for someting or
someone to blame. Why don't we all have personal hovercrafts as
Armoured vehicles take years to field - and in fact we were all amazed
at how fast the BULLDOG vehs were developed and delivered; and although
we can just buy 'off the shelf' , and have done in many cases, there is
only so much money we can throw at the problem unless the public want
to start closing schools and hospitals. Comds on the ground weigh
the decisions for every op: often the best choice is no veh at at;
sometimes Snatch is the best thing available and better than going on
foot; sometimes Snatch is better than other vehs (in Basra only Snatch
could fit down narrow streets; they are at least bullet proof; and
enabled heavy ECM kit to be carried without weighing down
troops). The
SAS have used open-topped unarmoured landrovers since WW2 and they are
not short on funding: it's less about the kit, more how you choose to
use it. Also, Snatch are a damn sight safer than Humvee, but
ever mentions that. Ultimately no veh will defeat a buried AT
mine -
those will flip a main battle tank on its back.
Bottom line is
technology evolves. There will always be a better vehicle. We
have to
make do with what we've got. Suing is unhelpful; let us keep the
to buy better kit! If they want to complain, complain about the
shortage of helicopters. War means risk and unless we're prepared
take a bit more we might end up losing it, in which case all the death
will have been in vain.
My closing comment on the subject:
Unless we wish to retire from supplying military support for alliance
and UN political imperatives and leave world security to others, we
have to do the best with what we can produce or buy at the time of
action. If people want the MOD to spend more, suing them will not
achieve that end. The soldier says casualties are inevitable whatever
we spend. The aim is to avoid far worse.
JUNE 24th 2009
The public and media, still on a role, have asked that this enquiry
should attribute blame. No problem there, I think it will be fairly
safe to attribute blame to Saddam Hussein, who could have abided by all
the terms he signed up to at the end of the first Iraq war a little
earlier. I do hope the UK public will take into account, before blaming
the UK military, that all the guys and gals who went in to remove the
SOB so as to have him replaced by an elected government were
volunteers. We do not have conscription. Mistakes were made, but the
job they were given was a bit more complicated than most of them
anticipated when joining the armed services, and that goes for all
There is absolutely no problem in anyone giving evidence under oath if
that is what the public want. It will not make any difference to the
evidence given. What will make a difference is that people might well
be prepared to volunteer opinions in private that they will not in
public. The original aim of this enquiry was to learn lessons, and I
hope Chilcott will offer private sessions to anyone at any who can
contribute informed opinion and wishes to do so. The British Public
will not learn anything in public that has not already been said.
Chilcot may learn things in private and, having sorted it through and
cross-checked, may come up with some conclusions in public. That could
be enlightening and was what the private equiry was designed to achieve.
Blame on politicians can be
divided into several kinds:-
The first comes as usual from those who disagree with the theory that
any alliance of states has the right to remove any dictator just
because they think is damaging his country, threating his neigbours and
likely to spawn a disastrous future. These blamers also think previous
support for the dictator is relevant to their argument.
The second comes from those who complain the operation was ill
prepared. That is obvious as far as the postwar phase is concerned but
unfortunately the time to do that was restricted to the very short time
between realising abd admitting that the UN would not back up its
resolutions and the start of hostilities. Only the US, whose political
basis for the operation was regime change, and who had never counted on
the UN anyway, could have prepared. They did not, as they belived
naively in the rightness of their cause and the support of Iraqis who
wuld unite in the cause of peace, even though the US would remove the
entire military and security establishment on the grounds it was
The third kind of blame will come from the political opportunists. Thes
will make the most noise and signify the least.
The fourth may come from some families of service personel who lost
their lives, though we shall have to see at the end of the enquiry if,
unless they are in the first category listed here, they wish to
attribute blame.
JUNE 30th 2009
We are approaching the stage which should have been reached less than a
year after the removal of Saddam Hussein, when Iraq is handed back to
Iraqis. The delay is due to nothing more or less than the plan shared
by many of different persuasions united only in one cause, to get the
coalition forces into Iraq, keep them there and kill them and all those
who asked them in or tolerated them, day after day, as many as
possible. The reason being they do not wish to join an international
community they consider dominated by alien cultures, against whom they
harbour not a little resentment and in whose world they hold no hope.
They have set us and those Iraqis who believe in a peaceful and
democratic future a tough challenge to prove them wrong.
market bomb hits Iraq city
At least 27 people have been killed by a car bomb at a market
in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, officials say.
The attack in the Shurja district came as Iraqis celebrated the
withdrawal of US troops from towns and cities in Iraq, six years after
the invasion.
US President Barack Obama said the move was an important milestone
for Iraq, but that "difficult days" lay ahead.
The Kirkuk blast came 10 days after a truck bomb killed more than
70 in the city's deadliest attack in over a year.
Iraqi and US troops have been on alert for attacks during the
pullback, which was declared a national holiday.
Police Brig Gen Sarhat Qadir told the Associated Press news agency
at least 40 people had been wounded in the latest blast, caused by an
explosives-laden vehicle parked near the crowded outdoor Shurja market.
Volatile mix
A teeming maze of shops and stalls, Shurja is one of the country's
best-known markets, attracting buyers and sellers from all over Iraq,
say correspondents.
Kirkuk, about 250km (155 miles) from Baghdad, was also the scene of
suicide bombings last month, in which 14 people were killed.
The city is the centre of northern Iraq's oil industry,
and home to a volatile mix of Kurds, Arabs, Christians and members of
the Turkmen community.
The BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says Tuesday's car bomb
appears to be just the kind of attack designed to stir up ethnic
tensions between Kurds and Arabs.
Most of the other bombs that have killed around 250 people in the
past fortnight have been aimed at Shia areas.
Our correspondent says the clear aim is to reignite the sectarian
carnage that took the country to the brink of civil war three years
With American troops now taking a back seat, the big
question, our correspondent adds, is can Iraqi forces cope with the
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is adamant they can.
“ Those who think Iraqis are unable to protect
their country commit a big mistake ”
Nouri Maliki Iraqi Prime Minister
"Those who think that Iraqis are not able to protect their country
that the withdrawal of foreign forces will create a security vacuum are
committing a big mistake," he said earlier, in a nationally televised
Our correspondent says Mr Maliki's police and troops
will have to prove on the ground that they are Iraqis - not Shias or
Sunnis or Kurds - if they are to prevail.
In Washington, President Obama called the Kirkuk
bombing "senseless", adding: "The future belongs to those who build,
not to those who destroy."
Meanwhile, despite their pullback from cities and towns, US troops
will still be embedded with Iraqi forces.
Hours before the Monday night deadline for the withdrawal, four US
soldiers were killed in combat in Baghdad.
US commanders have said security and stability are improving.
Iraqi soldiers paraded through Baghdad's streets on Monday in
decorated with flowers and Iraqi flags, while patriotic songs were
played through loudspeakers at checkpoints.
The pullback comes two years after the US "surge" of
extra troops between February and June 2007, which saw US troop levels
in Iraq reach about 170,000.
US-led combat operations are due to end by September 2010, with all
troops gone from Iraq by the end of 2011.
Some 131,000 US troops remain in Iraq, including 12 combat brigades,
and the total is not expected to drop below 128,000 until after the
Iraqi national election in January.
[an error occurred while processing this directive][an error occurred while processing this directive]
JULY 8th 2009
As the US pulls out, leaving 'advisers' in place and troops still
nearby to be called on, it is time to realise just how much damage has
been inflicted on the country and its people in the name of world peace
and the prevention of the rise of what the west and, to be fair, most
of the other major world powers considered a dangerous and violent
regime. It is a mistake to justify either side of the argument, suffice
to say Saddam Hussein could very easily have avoided the invasion and
remained in power if he had not had a mistaken view of his own personal
importance to life on this planet. Here is a considered view from Maximilian
Forte at
it necessary to recount how badly the U.S. has bludgeoned Iraq since
1991, with almost two decades now of warfare and sanctions that were
just as deadly? Do people outside Iraq need to be reminded that in the
1990-1991 Gulf War, as many as 200,000 Iraqis were killed, then left to
suffer the effects of depleted uranium, damaged civilian
infrastructure, heightened poverty, and a sanctions regime that left
about 500,000 Iraqi children dead, part of a total of 1.7 million
Iraqis to die just from sanctions just between the two invasions? Do
they need to be reminded that at least 100,000 Iraqis died from direct
violence stemming from the second U.S. invasion? How about the
internally displaced, and the refugees who streamed to other countries,
in total numbering around 4 million? And all this in a country of about
31 million people, just a little over one-tenth of the population size
of the U.S. When one recalls the streaming tears of Americans for the
losses of 11 September 2001, one has to wonder if they ever add up what
they did to Iraq, which amounts to a thousand 911’s to say the least?
(sources: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11])
question cannot be what do Iraqis have to thank the U.S. for, but when
will they ever be able to say that they have made America pay enough
for what it has done. Is it then any surprise that people, who in their
massive numbers have overwhelmingly expressed their hatred for the
American presence in any poll ever done since the 2003 invasion,
demanding that all U.S. forces be withdrawn immediately, and demanding
that year after year, should now be reticent about saying, “Thanks
America!”? What would lead an American commentator to believe that the
U.S. could ever be forgiven for what it did to Iraq?"
Unless we could know what would have
happened to Iraq and the world if the coalition had packed up its tents
and gone home leaving Saddam intact with sanctions removed, the above
question is impossible to answer. As far as the unfortunate Mr Blair is
concerned, he and his advisors foresaw a scenario that would have made
the admittedly terrible events recounted above look like a picnic. But
they could have been wrong.
AUGUST 19th 2009
The worst carnage for a long time. With enough money at their disposal
and the threat of a man's family being wiped out if he does not comply,
Al Qaida can put a lot of pressure on people to carry out and assist
their treachery.
Iraq: Wave of Baghdad blasts kills at least 95
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD – A truck bomb exploded across the street from Iraq's
Foreign Ministry near the Green
Zone Wednesday,
knocking out concrete slabs and windows and leaving a mass of charred
cars outside as a wave of explosions around Baghdad killed at least 95
people and wounded more than 400.
A suicide truck bomber also targeted the Finance Ministry minutes earlier in the
deadliest apparently coordinated attack in Iraq
so far this year — a major challenge to Iraqi control of Baghdad. A
steady escalation of attacks following the June 30 withdrawal of U.S.
troops from urban areas has heightened fears that government troops are
not ready to provide security.
Iraqi officials blamed al-Qaida
in Iraq and other Sunni insurgents, echoing U.S. military warnings that
the militant group is trying to provoke new bloodshed to undermine
public trust in the Shiite-led Iraqi government.
terrorists are trying to rekindle the cycle of violence of previous
years by creating an atmosphere of tension among the Iraqi people," Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
said in a statement. "Our security forces must be more alert and firm.
Also, the political groups must unite."
Sunni and Shiite
extremists remain active in Iraq, and the U.S. military has
detected some political violence ahead of next year's national
elections. But truck bombs and suicide attacks bear the hallmarks of
al-Qaida in Iraq.
attacks dealt a new blow to Iraqi government efforts to restore a sense
of normalcy in the capital as the overall level of violence remains low
compared with recent years. Iraqi security forces
have promised to remove concrete blast walls from the main roads in
Baghdad by mid-September with the aim of improving appearance and
easing traffic congestion.
"The security forces have failed to protect the government buildings
despite tight security measures and advanced equipment and this
reflects huge shortcomings," said Saeed Jabar, a 35-year-old government
employee. "It is a message to Iraqi officials that they should stop
their exaggerations about the stability of this country."
most devastating strike blackened the facade of the Foreign Ministry,
killing at least 59 people and wounding 250, according to police and
hospital officials. Rescue workers dug through rubble and debris near
the ministry, which is adjacent to the Green Zone, the most heavily protected
part of the capital.
explosives-laden truck was parked in a largely unguarded parking lot
across the street, but the force of the blast tore through the 10-story
building, which itself is surrounded by a concrete blast wall, as well
as nearby apartment blocs.
Dozens of cars were charred and plumes of smoke rose into the sky.
That attack occurred just minutes after a suicide truck bomber took
aim at the Finance
in northern Baghdad, detonating his explosives near a joint Iraqi
police and army patrol outside and causing part of a nearby overpass to
Hospital officials said at least 28 people were killed and 117
wounded in that blast.
also slammed into the Green Zone, Iraqi officials said, with one
landing near the U.N. compound, briefly delaying a press conference
being held to discuss humanitarian issues on the sixth anniversary of
the Aug. 19, 2003, bombing at the world body's headquarters that killed
22 people, including top U.N. envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello.
The U.S. military,
which turned over responsibility for securing the Green Zone to the
Iraqis on Jan. 1 as part of a new security pact, said it could not
confirm any mortar attacks.
blast in the commercial area of western Baghdad's Baiyaa district
killed two people and wounded 16, while a bombing in the commercial
district of Bab al-Muadham killed six people and wounded 24,
authorities said.
An Interior Ministry
official, speaking separately, put the total death toll at 88.
Conflicting casualty tolls are common in the chaotic aftermath of bombings in Iraq. The
officials all spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't
authorized to release the information.
Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq,
said Monday that he wanted to deploy U.S. soldiers alongside Iraqi and
Kurdish troops in northern Iraq where some of the worst attacks in
recent weeks have been carried out.
troops withdrew from Iraq's cities on June 30 under a security pact
that outlines the American withdrawal by the end of 2011. President Barack Obama
has ordered all U.S. combat troops out of Iraq by Aug. 31, 2010,
leaving a contingency of up to 50,000 U.S. troops in training and
advising roles.
Odierno said Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been receptive to the idea, though
has not approved it.
Associated Press Writers Hamid Ahmed and Sameer N. Yacoub
contributed to this report.
OCTOBER 25th 2009
Baghdad blasts kill scores
At least 132 people have been killed and 520 injured in two
car bomb attacks in Baghdad, Iraqi officials say.
The blasts hit the ministry of justice and a provincial government
office near the heavily fortified Green Zone.
They came in quick succession at 1030 (0730 GMT) as people headed
to work during the morning rush hour.
This is the deadliest attack in Iraq since August 2007 and comes
months after the US handed security control of cities to local forces.
Gabriel Gatehouse, BBC News, Baghdad
The Iraqi authorities say that they believe these two attacks today
those of the 19 August are linked. Damascus [accused by Iraq over the
19 August attacks] has strenuously denied any involvement.
But there have been warnings that as Iraq approaches
parliamentary elections, which are due in the middle of next January,
that insurgents and other fighters will cause more attacks to try to
destabilise the situation here.
The Americans officially pulled back from urban areas
at the end of June. The Iraqi security forces are now in charge. They
have been trumpeting their success here. But these massive explosions
and the ones on 19 August will raise serious questions about how
capable they are of maintaining security.
The attacks have drawn comparison with those of 19 August, when
bombs hit two ministry buildings and killed at least 100 people.
Iraq then blamed foreign fighters and accused Syria of involvement,
demanding a UN investigation.
The US condemned the latest attacks as "hateful".
'Destructive agenda'
Prime Minister Nouri Maliki visited the site of Sunday's provincial
government office attack near Haifa Street and later issued a statement
blaming al-Qaeda and supporters of former president Saddam Hussein.
"These cowardly terrorist attacks must not affect the
determination of the Iraqi people to continue their struggle against
the remnants of the dismantled regime and al-Qaeda terrorists, who
committed a brutal crime against civilians," he said.
"They want to cause chaos in the nation, hinder the political
process and prevent the parliamentary election."
President Jalal Talabani said: "The perpetrators of these
and despicable acts are no longer hiding their objective... they
publicly declare that they are targeting the state."
The White House said President Barack Obama had spoken to Mr Maliki
and Mr Talabani to pledge his support.
Mr Obama said the attacks were an attempt to derail the peace
"These bombings serve no purpose other than the murder of innocent
women and children, and they only reveal the hateful and destructive
agenda of those who would deny the Iraqi people the future that they
deserve," Mr Obama said in a statement.
The UK's Foreign Secretary David Miliband said "such
acts of terrorism can have no justification, and must be condemned
without reservation".
Plumes of smoke were seen rising in Baghdad on Sunday
morning after two vehicles packed with explosives blew up just outside
the International Zone, or Green Zone, the administrative heart of the
The Iraqi authorities said the attackers were suicide bombers.
Their vehicles were driven into parking bays and detonated,
officials said.
A number of workers for Baghdad's provincial council, which runs
the city, were thought to be among the dead.
"I don't know how I'm still alive," local shop owner, Hamid Saadi,
Reuters by telephone from near the justice ministry.
Aug 2007: More than 500 killed in attacks on villages
near Sinjar
Jul 2007: 150 killed in truck bombing in Tuz Khurmato
Apr 2007: 191 killed in car bombings in Baghdad
Mar 2007: 152 killed in truck bombing in Tal Afar
Feb 2007: 135 killed in truck bombing in Baghdad
Nov 2006: 202 killed in multiple blasts in Baghdad
Mar 2004: 171 killed in bombings in Baghdad and
Karbala Source: News agencies, BBC
"The explosion destroyed everything... it's like it was an
earthquake, nothing is still in its place."
A number of bystanders blamed the security forces and politicians
for failing to keep order.
Ambulance driver Adil Sami told Agence France-Presse: "We don't want
the parliament any more - let them leave us alone, we can live in peace
and solve problems ourselves."
Baghdad provincial council member Mohammed al-Rubaiey
said: "This is a political struggle... Every politician is responsible
and the government is responsible, as well as security leaders."
The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse in Baghdad said he felt the force of
the explosions, even though he was several miles away.
He says the finger of blame is likely to point to insurgents or
fighters trying to destabilise the security situation ahead of Iraqi
elections in mid-January.
Overall, violence has dropped dramatically in Iraq
compared to a year ago, but sporadic attacks still continue in several
parts of the country.
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NOVEMBER 8th 2009
Iraq electoral law passes, sets up national vote
Associated Press Writer
– Iraq's parliament ended weeks of debate Sunday and passed a
long-delayed law paving the way for the planned January election to go
forward, sidestepping a crisis that could have delayed the U.S. troop
The decision appeared to
resolve a key sticking point — who will be allowed to vote in the
disputed, oil-rich city of Kirkuk. The issue had threatened to delay
Iraq's key parliamentary
elections, which in turn would affect how quickly American combat forces could
leave the country.
a sign of how intensely Washington was following the debate, U.S.
Ambassador Christopher Hill could be seen shuttling between various
political factions before the law's passage. President Barack Obama, speaking at the
White House, welcomed the new legislation.
is an important milestone as the Iraqi people continue to take
responsibility for their future. I want to congratulate Iraq's leaders
for reaching this agreement," Obama said. "The United States will
continue to stand with Iraq
as a strong partner and as a friend."
Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, in a statement posted on his
Web site, hailed the election
passage as a "historic victory of the will of the people," and
described it as a strong response to the people who are trying to
undermine the country's security.
U.S. ambassador, speaking to reporters after the vote, said the
American troop drawdown will proceed as scheduled. Military commanders
have said the U.S. troop withdrawal would start in earnest about 60
days after the vote, the idea being that the country would be on stable
footing by then.
"What is important is that with the election law, we are very much
on schedule for the drawdown," Hill said.
the president's plan, all U.S. combat troops will be out of the country
by the end of August 2010, leaving about 50,000 trainers and support
troops, who in turn would leave by the end of 2011.
was not clear exactly when the election would be held — Jan. 16 as
originally planned or a later date in January. The head of the
Independent High Electoral Commission, Faraj al-Haidari, told The
Associated Press that he expected the vote to be held within a week of
Jan. 16.
Deputy Parliament Speaker, Khalid al-Attiyah said it would likely be
held January 21
or 23. The Iraqi constitution mandates that the vote takes place in
January, but does not specify which day.
Once the legislation is approved by the president and his two vice presidents, the election commission
will decide how many days are needed to hold the vote, al-Haidari said.
Then the commission will send a letter to parliament and to the prime
minister to inform them of their decision.
The law's passage had been repeatedly delayed by sharp disagreements
over how voting would take place in the northern city of Kirkuk, claimed by both
Arabs and Kurds
and a major flashpoint in the country.
consider Kirkuk a Kurdish city and want it part of their self-ruled
region in northern Iraq. During the rule of former dictator Saddam Hussein,
tens of thousands of Kurds were displaced under a forced plan by Saddam
to make Kirkuk predominantly Arab, though many of these have since
The Arab-led central government vehemently opposes anything that
would remove Kirkuk from its control.
the legislation passed Sunday, the vote in Kirkuk would be held just
like in other regions around the country, but the votes — and those in
other disputed areas — could be subject to a special review if it is
determined that there was a large population increase. Arabs and the
Turkomens claim Kurds have packed the city with immigrants to tip the
balance in their favor.
The legislation
did not include any guaranteed seats for Arab and Turkomen lawmakers
from Kirkuk, something which had been discussed in earlier versions.
Kurds and Arabs appeared to claim victory after the sometimes raucous
parliament session that was televised live on Iraq state TV.
is a good law because it occurred after broad agreement, and it
presents a solution to a problem that we have now solved. It doesn't
achieve all our (Kurdish) ambitions, but it achieves a balance," said Mahmoud Othman, a
Kurdish lawmaker.
But Omar al-Jabouri, a Sunni member of parliament,
called the voting "a great victory," because, he said, Kurds were
forced to accept special circumstances in regards to the Kirkuk voting.
The law passed with 141 votes, but it was not immediately known
how many of the parliament's 275 members voted against the legislation
or even attended the session. Low turnouts are common in Iraq's
parliament, which often does not have enough people to form the
necessary 138-person quorum.
"It's a good step that we have a resolution to this and have
elections," said Michael Wahid Hanna, an analyst at the New York-based
Century Foundation.
However, he added that the disputes such as the long-brewing debate
over the election law,
have paralyzed Iraq's political process and "have shown that it's
incapable of solving the big questions," such as how to deal with
disputed territories.
AP Writer Ryan Lucas contributed to this report.
JANUARY 06 2010
Read Mohammed Hussein at
You may have to search there to find it.
Sectarian conflict is all about land and jobs and power, not really
about religion, but whatever the reason a country divided against
itself will not succeed in reaching stablity, peace and security.
Revenge has been a principle in many Middle Eastern cultures, used as
the ultimate deterrent. Justice in the hands of an elected government
has no historic roots. They have to be laid down. It's a long road.
There will be elections and eventually the results will be respected. A
Coalition is likely in the next stage and for some time.
It is now time to start a new file as the US prepares to hand over
control progressively.
IRAQ 2010